Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Here is the next unit I will be doing.

The due dates are up in the air because I need to see how these twelve days of block scheduling will affect the lessons.  I see some kids some days and not others.  (I don't even have next week's schedule when we have testing.)

Here is the unit I will be working on in January.  By the end of the month or so, I want the kids to complete the following:
       Write about 1500 words (or more in some classes)
       Write a creative piece and hand in a good draft
       Write a short formal letter (which we will mail)
       Complete units 7 and 8 in the vocab (with homeworks)
       And complete a unit of grammar.
       (The grammar will be used in the letter.)

It is ambitious, but it gives me plenty of things to do during the 90 minute classes we have for twelve days.