Monday, January 30, 2012

Here is the goal for this week:

Stephan Sagmeister (artist)
I want the students to give me a final draft of their piece on Friday (or Monday if they really want to).  Tomorrow I will have a sub, so the students will work on their grammar skills.  Wednesday through Friday we will be in the library using the computers to produce error-free-awesomeness! On Monday, we start reading the pieces to the class.  This is the plan.  Let's see what the students need.

Today I read a short piece with the students.  I wanted them to remember what a narrative sounds like.  The piece demonstrated how to use dialogue, the five senses, and thoughts to make a piece memorable.  Then I gave the groups time to work.

I also showed the classes their group grades.  I have a spreadsheet that shows them how their work (or lack of work) impacts not only them but their group's grade.