Monday, January 30, 2012

Here is the goal for this week:

Stephan Sagmeister (artist)
I want the students to give me a final draft of their piece on Friday (or Monday if they really want to).  Tomorrow I will have a sub, so the students will work on their grammar skills.  Wednesday through Friday we will be in the library using the computers to produce error-free-awesomeness! On Monday, we start reading the pieces to the class.  This is the plan.  Let's see what the students need.

Today I read a short piece with the students.  I wanted them to remember what a narrative sounds like.  The piece demonstrated how to use dialogue, the five senses, and thoughts to make a piece memorable.  Then I gave the groups time to work.

I also showed the classes their group grades.  I have a spreadsheet that shows them how their work (or lack of work) impacts not only them but their group's grade.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Block is over until spring!

Today I saw all of my students... for various amounts of time.  However, we took the unit 7 quiz in all class.  I also checked the flashcards for sections 3 and HB.

I have been trying to impress upon the students that they need to be working on their essays at home.  The rough draft is not due on Monday.  It is just not working out as I planned. That's fine.

I plan to take a week or so off from vocab to focus on just writing and grammar.  I hope to have drafts done by the end of this coming week.  I hope to have the good drafts done in some classes by Friday. 

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Unit 7 Quiz Friday

All classes are taking the unit 7 vocab quiz.

Sections 3 and HB should have made flashcards.  I will give them homework credit for them.

I saw sections 4, 5, and HB today.  All classes are now in writing groups. 

Writing Group Goal:
Each member will produce a piece that is 500 - 800 words.
That piece CAN be a story.
The paper will be graded on grammar.
(One class saw this and asked why they can't write a story.  It made sense.  Why not?)

Here is what I expect during group time.  Groups will loose points for their members' behaviors.

You could be
·      asking what each has so far.
·      reading over something.
·      listening to ideas.
·      suggesting ideas.
·      helping your group accomplish its goal.

You should NOT be…
·      talking to someone in another group.
·      walking around the class.
·      laughing and joking around.
·      sitting doing nothing.
·      waiting for me to tell you what to do.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I saw classes 4, 6, and 3 today

Section 4 should finish the sheet I gave them on commas.  They should also do the Completing the Sentence unit 7

Section 6 will not be seen until Friday.  They should be ready for the vocab quiz on unit 7.

Section 3 will not be seen tomorrow.  They should have their flashcards done for Friday's quiz.

I am assigning students to writing groups.  Here are the responsibilities for these groups.  Basically, I want the students to help each other produce the current writing piece.  

Your group will produce the following:
·      You will help each member find a topic.
·      You will help each member craft an essay.
·      You will help each person proofread the essay for perfect spelling and grammar.
·      Each person will have handed in an essay which is 500-800 words.
·      You will listen to all four members read their piece aloud.
You will pick two members to read their essays to the class.

We, as a class, will enjoy the essays of your members.  

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Blocks are back. I did not see all my classes today.

I feel like this some days.  
Sections 4, 3, and 6 should have Completing the Sentence, Choosing the Right Word, and 700 words done by Wednesday.  (Section 4 should have 1,000.)

Quiz 7 is on Friday.

Basically, we are just doing some vocab, some grammar, and some writing.

It was a long day for all.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Today I saw all classes for normal periods.

Choosing the Right Word Unit 7 vocab
Quiz 7 Friday
700 or 1000 words due Wednesday
Good-Rough draft due Monday

Please see this page for requirements.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Testing and HB class.

That's all I had today.  Next week will be more block scheduling.  I will post homeworks here.

The MP is over.  Everything is in the book and done.  It's time to start grades for the 3rd MP.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Stage is Yours! (The next piece is due Feb. 3.)

The Stage is Yours!

The goal of this essay is for you to pick a topic of your choice and write an essay. The topic should be something you care about and something you think others would want to hear.  You will be reading the essay to the class for a presentation grade, so don't choose something that is too private. (Be sure the topic is appropriate.  Check with me if you are not sure.)

700 word check will happen around January 25
Final draft and readings begin on Friday, February 3

The main grade will be to have perfect spelling and very few grammar errors. 
(I am not looking for a long piece rather a well-written piece.)

___  500 - 800 words
___  Times New Roman sized 12 font
___  Multiple paragraphs
___  Introduction that used one of the 12 introduction types
___  Conclusion that summed up or wrapped up the piece
        Topic of your choice:
___        a. Narrative with a lesson from a moment in your life (narrative)
___        b. Essay expressing an opinion about an issue (persuasive)
___        c. Essay about a topic of interest (informative)  I.E. What if... What is...

___  On the back, write 50 - 100 words explaining the following:
            1. Why did you choose this topic?
            2. What did you want us to get from your piece?
            3. What other topics/ideas were you considering? 

       Two people proofread paper
___       Person one's signature _________________________
___       Person two's signature _________________________

       Paper was read aloud to someone
___       Person's signature  __________________________

I adjusted the grades in HAC

I said in previous blogs that I was not prepared for the massive schedule change in January which left me with very few homework grades.  I decided to merge the vocab homeworks with the vocab quizzes.  This way the essays and projects are worth more.  As it was, the quizzes were worth more than I wanted them to count towards the marking period grade.  Sorry for the confusion.  I always do what will best represent the results of the students' efforts. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

This week's schedule is crazier than last week's!

I only see sections 3, 4, 5, and 6 one time this week for 90 minutes.  I will see the H.B. class each day this week, but we are only working in two of them.  On the testing days, we will relax a little.

As far as homework, I want the students to be rested for the DCAS testing.  My students take the test Wednesday and Friday in the morning. 

I will NOT be able to squeeze in unit 7 in the vocab book for this marking period.  I did not anticipate that our schedule would be so crazy in January back in December when I relaxed with vocab in favor of research. 

Friday, January 13, 2012

What a crazy week. Next week should be worse.

Yep.  I feel like this some days.
We have DCAS testing two mornings next week, so the schedule should be quite interesting.  We are also doing block again.  I am just trying to stay on top of things as best I can.  I will try to keep you up to date using the blog.

The only class to have homework this weekend is section 5.  They have pictionaries.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

A nice writing day for my classes.


Sections 4, 6 , and HB should hand in pictionaries tomorrow.  Below is the sheet I had two of the sections make. 
Quiz 6 results are in HAC.

In the classes I saw today, I had them write for at least 25 minutes.  I was having them practice writing.  I will be checking for 700 words sometime next week. See below for the topics I am having them explore.  They are not much.  I am trying to teach them how to pick something they want to write.

700 Words/Journaling    (SSW) 
You need time for your mind to rest and open up.  Be patient.

Write a piece your grandmother would like to read- your friend, the class, the school, or the community!  What do you want to express to someone?  What do you hope they will feel/do as a result of your work?

What is happiness, easy, on your mind
What if something happens, doesn’t happen
What would you do if, when,
What do you think about someone, something, some idea
How would you, does, could,
I wish
Describe a time, a person, a belief,
When were you, did something happen, I get older,
Who inspires, matters
Why do things happen, don’t happen,

Amiss- not as it should be.

Brawl- to fight
Detest- hate
Domestic- relates to the home.
Flagrant- obviously offensive

Flaw- error
Fledgling- baby bird
Fluster- confused + agitated
Foremost- before most!

Momentum- speed + Force
Notable- worth taking note!
Nurture- care for
Perjury- lying under oath!
Presume- assume before
Prior- before

Proficient- Pro!

Salvo- burst of something

Vigilant- wide awake, alert
Wrath- intense anger!


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Here is the next unit I will be doing.

The due dates are up in the air because I need to see how these twelve days of block scheduling will affect the lessons.  I see some kids some days and not others.  (I don't even have next week's schedule when we have testing.)

Here is the unit I will be working on in January.  By the end of the month or so, I want the kids to complete the following:
       Write about 1500 words (or more in some classes)
       Write a creative piece and hand in a good draft
       Write a short formal letter (which we will mail)
       Complete units 7 and 8 in the vocab (with homeworks)
       And complete a unit of grammar.
       (The grammar will be used in the letter.)

It is ambitious, but it gives me plenty of things to do during the 90 minute classes we have for twelve days.

Monday, January 09, 2012

We start a new unit Tuesday with block scheduling

We will be using a block schedule for the next three weeks, which means I will not be seeing every class every day.  All homework or quizzes are due that next day I see them.  Tonight's homework is the Completing the Sentence Unit 6 in the vocab book.  There is also a quiz on Wednesday.

I will be making the new unit's web page soon.  Basically, we will be studying a unit on punctuation.  I will also be doing some vocab and giving the students writing time.  We will be creating a free writing piece and a formal letter which I hope to have sent to the intended recipient.  (More details will follow.)


Sunday, January 08, 2012

All the Ant Essays are Graded. Please check HAC.

This is how I feel when I must start grading essays!

A math problem:
    140 essays
    5 minutes each (when I am fresh or they are reasonable)
    equals how many hours to finish 5 classes of papers?

Some essays were two pages, single-spaced typed!  Wow!

As much as I love reading my students' work, it sure does take time!

How I feel when I am done!

Saturday, January 07, 2012

The debates are done for all but a few students.

Highest debate score of all 5 classes: 43 points (36 is 100%)
We will wrap up any loose ends of the ant debate unit next week.
There is a quiz for unit 6 on Wednesday.

I have updated some grades on HAC.  The essays for sections 4 and 5 have been graded and are in the book.  I hope to finish the rest of the essays this weekend. 

Thursday, January 05, 2012

The debates are almost finished.

Winners so far!
Homework: Choosing the Right Word unit 6 vocabulary (20 points)

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Can personality win over content? Yes!

Homework: Synonyms unit 6

In my HB class, we had a great example of how personality can win over content.  Whereas I scored the non-squisher as the winner, the class bought into the squisher's stories and exaggerations.  He said that ants could take over the world, break into our house, listen to our ipods, and make us their pets.  He also had a very dramatic retelling of a supposed event where he was attacked as he innocently tripped over a fire ant hill.  He dabbed his eyes with a tissue as he told us of the pain.  The non-squisher should have been all over these, but she played it straight.  That was too bad for her, I guess.  I will be discussing these artificial means of persuasion more when we begin the advertising unit.  This debate should give us something to relate to.

In my section 3 class, we had the opposite.  The squisher used an overly dramatic style, but he also had good content.  I gave him the win because of his content, but the class must not have seen his content. They only saw his antics, and they did not reward him for it.  But as I think about it a little more, maybe they were right.  As far as a debate goes, he was out of line, and maybe I, too, should have taken his presentation into account more.  It was a good lesson nonetheless.

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Back to work.

The goal for this week is to finish the debates.  Along with the debates, we will be starting vocab and grammar back up.  I have posted the homework  and quiz dates on my calendar. Today we were discussing roots, prefixes, and suffixes to determine the meaning of the unit 6 words.  We did not even look at the books yet.  We did a pretest for spelling and word knowledge.  Then we discussed what they thought the words meant.  Then I clarified the definitions for them.

I did not start grading the essays yet.  I should have started them over the break, but it was a break.  Now it is back to work, and I have lots to do.