Tuesday, October 25, 2011

We practiced recording today!

Synonyms Unit 4
Practice for Friday's recording

I collected the good-rough draft.
I reviewed the vocab words and checked the pictionaries.
Then we practiced recording.

I gave the students a poem.  Each student had a stanza.  I reviewed the rubric for an oral presentation and had each one read their piece.  Then we discussed the results. 

You can listen to the recordings at MrBoZ.com

I told the students that no one will get lower than a C unless they really mess it up.  However, to get an A, I have to hear emotion added to the words being read.  Simply reading well is not enough for an A.  Sections 4 and 5 struggled with that.  While they read clearly, only a few achieved an A.  I hope they realize that they must go above and beyond for the A on Friday.  They will receive a grade for the reading!

Here is the rubric:

Voice quality is clear and consistently audible throughout the presentation.
Voice quality is clear and consistently audible throughout the most of the presentation.
Voice quality is clear and consistently audible through some of the presentation.
Voice could not be heard.
The pace (rhythm and voice punctuation) fits the story line and helps the audience really "get into" the story.
Tries to use pacing but it is often noticeable that the pacing does not fit the story line. Audience is somewhat engaged.
No attempt to match the pace of the storytelling to the story line or the audience.
Audience is not consistently engaged.
Just read the piece in a monotone.
Emotional dimension of the piece matches the story line well. Listeners are encouraged to care about the person and his/her story.
Emotional dimension of the piece somewhat matches the story line.
Emotional dimension of the piece is distracting or is absent.
No emotion.  Read it to get it over with.

Adapted from Digital Storytelling Tips and Resources
By Gail Matthews-DeNatale, Ph.D.
Associate Director of Academic Technology
Simmons College Boston, MA Copyright 2008