Wednesday, January 06, 2010

January 6, 2010

Choosing the Right Word Unit 7

The ant essay was due today.  Sorry I did not get to send out a reminder yesterday.  I had a yearbook meeting.

FYI- I posted the grades for the debates.  I will update the ant debate web page soon with winners and some pictures from the debates.  If you have any questions about how the students were scored, I can send you the rubric or discuss how I arrived at the grade.  I have been doing this for so many years that I have a pretty accurate rubric.  However, some points are subjective.

A note about the debates:
As the debates progressed, students became adept at earning points.  In fact, some students seemed to have a checklist of things to be sure to discuss.  However, just like a sports match, you never know what will happen until the match starts.  That made each debate exciting, and the fact that the students gave the win not me kept everyone listening and thinking critically about the quality of the arguments being presented.  When I hear students in the audience arguing over the scores and if a point is lame or not, I am thrilled.  The result of all the research, outlining, and debates should be a quality paper.  I look forward to grading their pieces soon.  I promise you this: my students will remember the ant debate for a long time!