Wednesday, January 27, 2010

January 27, 2010

Choosing the Right Word Unit 8
I would like a draft of the sci-fi story done by Friday if possible.

Reviewed the synonyms unit 8
Read a sample story
Writing time on the sci-fi story
I also showed them the start of my story and asked for suggestions.

I told the students about how they will be scored in this sci-fi story writing contest:
     (x2) First inpression
    Craft of telling a story
    Realistic dialogue
    Vivid imagery
    How well they stuck to the theme: sci-fi shows us a future so we can reflect on today.

They will be scored on this scale:
1- not so good
2- OK
3- Good
4- Great
(5) Incredible

We will add up the scores from 5 people, and hopefully, a few pieces will rise to the top for another round.  I am so excited to see these stories.  The good stories will be submitted to TeenInk.