Completing the Sentence
Proverb sign due Wednesday
Daily Drill
Reviewed the calendar for the week
Reviewed vocab words from last week
I expained the general format for the proverb essay.
I read my example from last year. You can read it on the assignment web page from www.mrboz.com
The goal for this week is to have the essay written. The good draft is due May 4, next Monday. I want the students to use the weekend only to make the final draft look nice. I hope to have the drafts peer edited by the end of the week. We will share and record some of the essays next week... as far as I know.
The students can make a t-shirt with their proverb on it and wear it Monday for extra credit on their class grade. The proverb must be written on the shirt, and I do not expect junk. I have two examples hanging in my room. They know what I expect.