Tuesday, November 10, 2015

There is homework!

Section 1
I would like you to keep working on your essays. I would like to keep commenting on your Google Docs.  I am conferencing with you so you can at least earn a B.  Use me!

I would also like you to finish Unit 4 vocabulary.  You will have a quiz on Friday.

(We should find time to watch the video we watched in sections 2 & 3!)

Sections 2 & 3
We watched a documentary called War Dogs of the Pacific.  Mrs. Jamison's grandfather (Dale Fetzer, Sr.) fought in WWII and is featured in the video.  The students are to write a brief letter to her grandmother, Barbara Collins, or Dale Fetzer's son, Dale Fetzer, Jr.  Students should explain how they felt watching the video.

The letter is due Thursday.