- All students should be done their rough draft by Monday- if not sooner.
- Students will be graded for completing a rough draft. Done = 100%.
- Students should change the title of the piece to "Rough Draft Complete" on their Google doc.
- I will spend Monday reading them and making suggestions.
- Many students are ready today. Hopefully, I will get to them Saturday or Sunday.
- The final draft of the essay is due Wednesday. Change title to "Final Draft."
- I updated some grades on HAC.
Sections 2 & 3
- By now, the students have turned in their outline/notes for a grade.
- Today, students were beginning to type up their essays.
- (I made a Google document for MANY of the students so I can help them online. If your student wants the address for their piece, please e-mail me.)
- Students will be working Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday on their essays.
- They are due Wednesday at the end of class.
- The sooner a student can get me a rough draft, the sooner I can help him/her to make it better!