Sections 2 & 3
Mrs. Jamison and I are working on getting grades in for sections 2 and 3 today. There are some classwork grades that need to be entered. We are also grading the essays. By Monday morning, HAC should be updated with our students' progress for the second marking period. The students worked very hard on their essays! We are looking forward to reading them.
Section 1
I will be reading the essays for section 1 AFTER I finish with sections 2 and 3. Because I have spent so much time helping these students with their rough drafts, I know what to expect for the final drafts. Most students will earn an A or a B. There are a few that will earn a C, but I am positive those students will rewrite for a higher grade.
There are grades in HAC right now. There will be a vocab quiz on Tuesday on unit 5.
Enjoy your Sunday.