They also have Choosing the Right Word unit 6 due tomorrow.
Debate Update:
We had our first debate today between Preeti and Vedant. It was AMAZING! They were both so well prepared! At this point, the class knows what I expect of them.
The students voted on who won using the responders. They came up with a tie! Surprisingly, I scored the debate as a tie as well! I have a scoring method that I have used forever. I score the debate with points that could translate into a grade, but I am holding off on giving a strict grade right now.
Students should come prepared with the following:
First Round
- A hook that grabs our attention.
- A precise claim (what they will prove in their debate).
- State the 1, 2, 3, (4) things that will be discussed.
- Go through each of the three main reasons which support your claim.
- Explain with enough detail, but not too much. There has to be a balance.
- Don't bore us with lists. Be sure to use evidence from from researched sources.
- By the end of this round you should have blown us away!
- I suggest students create some type of visual. I give extra points, which could change who wins!
Second Round
- While the first round is being delivered to the class, the opponent takes notes.
- In this round you get points for repeating what the opponent said.
- You get points for refuting your opponent's reasons logically.
- This round is hard to prepare for. Try to anticipate what your opponent could say during the debate and come prepared with some evidence to refute them!
Third Round
- Tie up any loose ends that need to be addressed.
- Restate your claim and how you proved it using 1, 2, 3.
- Also mention how you refuted you opponent's main reasons logically.
- The end!