Monday, April 28, 2014

Students must have a book by NEXT MONDAY

Some students have been stumped trying to find a book to read.  Today I discussed the books on this list as possibilities.  I have chosen to read Slaughter House Five by Kurt Vonnegut.  I am half-way through the book. The story is set in WWII and is an interesting exploration of existence.  The story is not arranged chronologically.  It jumps around like the story does in The Time Traveler's Wife.  However, there are a few coarse words and some soldier talk.  I can see why it might be better for 10th grade, but the style is different. 

I am also reading Cannery Row by John Steinbeck.  Any Steinbeck book would be an exploration of great detail and description. 

Parents must sign a permission slip for a student to read the book.
  • The books are due Monday, May 5th.
  • Certain sections of the project are due each week on the Wiki. (TBD)
  • The final project is a book presentation due May 27th.

Please go to Barnes and Noble online to explore the books.  There are reviews that will guide your decisions. 

Boyne Boy in the Striped Pajamas core
Bradbury Farenheit 451 core
Bronte, E Wuthering Heights core
Conrad Heart of Darkness extended
Defoe, Daniel Robinson Crusoe 101 LIST
Fitzgerald Great Gatsby, The core
Frank Anne Frank:  The Diary of a Young Girl core
Golding Lord of the Flies core
Hansberry Raisin in the Sun, A core
Hemingway Farewell to Arms, A extended
Hemingway For Whom the Bell Tolls extended
Hemingway Old Man and the Sea core
Hemingway Sun Also Rises, The core
Hugo Les Miserables extended
Hurston, Zora Neale Their Eyes Were Watching God 101 LIST
Huxley Brave New World core
Keneally Schindler's List extended
Kingsolver Bean Trees, The core
Martel Life of Pi, The extended
McCourt Angela's Ashes core
Orwell Animal Farm core
Orwell 1984 core
Potok Chosen, The core
Remarque All Quiet on the Western Front core
Shelley Frankenstein core
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich 101 LIST
Steinbeck East of Eden extended
Steinbeck Pearl, The core
Steinbeck Of Mice and Men core
Steinbeck, John The Grapes of Wrath 101 LIST
Stevenson, Robert Louis Treasure Island 101 LIST
Swift, Jonathan Gulliver’s Travels 101 LIST
Tan Joy Luck Club, The extended
Vonnegut Slaughterhouse Five core
Walker Color Purple, The core
Wells War of the Worlds, The extended
Wiesel Dawn  extended
Wright Native Son extended