Thursday, April 03, 2014

Section 3 showed Warrior Pride!

While section 3 did not achieve  65% of the class making their DCAS goals, I am rewarding them for their results.  Almost every student earned a 4 in the class, with the lowest score being a 3.  That means they ALL "Met the Standard" or were "Advanced!"  That is awesome! 

The DCAS goals work against this class because many students earned such high scores in the fall that some of the highest scoring students did not make their goals in the spring.  That is a shame, but will I never tell students to not do their best... ever. 

But I want them to know that I am SO PROUD of their performance on the DCAS!  Their grades in my class and their scores on DCAS show me what I already know from teaching them: They are a smart, hard working group of students!