Monday, November 11, 2013

Which is better: the original Tell Tale Heart or the movie version?

Sections 2 & 3: I hope you are working hard on your Poe essays.  Looking forward to working with you on them tomorrow.  If anyone can send me a copy, that would be great.  Maybe we could look at it as an example.

I was surprised by the results:

During Halloween week, we read Poe's The Tell Tale Heart.  After the first read, the students knew something kind of weird happened and someone was killed.  But they weren't all sure why.  After two days of discussion and evaluating the mental state of the narrator, the students started to appreciate how scary the story is.  But I still thought they would like the video because is was visually scary.

What we found is the video was cliche.  The original took place in pitch black and silence, which is why the narrator could hear the heart... and all things in Heaven and in Hell.  The students liked the descriptions in the written story instead of the inaccuracies of the video.

I found that interesting.