Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Grades have been updated on HAC.

I was absent on Monday.

Section 1 should have the pictionaries and choosing the right word for unit 5 done for Thursday.
Sections 2 & 3 will have the unit 5 quiz on Friday.
Sections 2 & 3 could read the story Rules of the Game" in their online book to be familiar with the story.  I am going to focus on the use of the extended metaphor of a chess match that plays out between the mother and the daughter.  The students do have to be familiar with the story for an assessment next week.

Lemon Brown
 All sections answered these three questions to determine if they can make inferences.  Basically, as long as the answer was reasonable and supported enough, I gave them the credit.  If they said cat or duck, well.... I will do something with these.

I took the average between two assessments on The Treasure of Lemon Brown. One test focused more on comprehension.  The other had more inferencing questions.  Both were open book.

I entered the first update of Achieve progress.  By the end of this week, students are to have completed a total of 12 articles.  The average + 25 is on HAC as well.  These scores change when updated.  I do not add new columns.

Section 1 Narratives
All the narratives have been scored and are on HAC.

Sections 2 & 3
I have collected all the Poe essays.  I am so proud of the effort the students have put into these essays!  We worked very hard last week to make them great.  I look forward to reading and scoring them.  I know what I am doing with these essays will benefit them in high school and with Common Core.  

I have not checked off if they are all handed in, so I will let you know if I am missing any. 

Questions for inferencing:

18. What are two things that the men do or say that help you infer that they mean to harm Lemon Brown?
19.  What is one inference you can make about why Lemon Brown stops playing the blues? Include a detail from the story to support your response.
20.  How does Lemon Brown treat Greg like a son? Use two details from the story to support your response.