Friday, November 22, 2013

The students made excellent progress today on Achieve!

I want to win this contest, and we have until midnight to accumulate points to assure a win.  If you look at the chart, you will see that Section 3 has 97% completion and 32 points.  If we can get those points up to 42, it would assure us of a win.  I mean, who wins: 97% and 32 points or 93% and 42 points? That's too close!

Any students in section 3, it would be great if you could double check your activities and make sure that you have completed steps 1, 3, and 4.  Maybe you could even go back in and hit save at the botton of each article to complete step 2.

Section 2, there are two students who must complete the articles.  You know who you are.  Please step up.  We need you.  :)

Apparently the 100 points did not factor into our contest.  However, it does help the students' points, and mine.  Thank you to those who did it.

Hopefully I will know by Monday if we won!

Have a good weekend.

Rank Class Name  % Completed 6 Articles Average Points
1 (8112-21) 9 Students 100 18.4444
2 Section 3 97 32.7
3 (7113-2) 94 25.9677
4 (7113-3) 93 42.2667
5 Section 2 93 27.6
6 (7112-2) 87 26.3478
7 (7113-1) 86 36.2143
8 (6113-2) 84 19.5938
9 Section 1 84 16
10   83 11.3333
11   76 15.56
12   74 17.4211
13   73 17.4848
14   67 15
15   66 29.1563
16   64 16.8636
17   63 11.6667
18   63 15.1667
19   62 9.8462
20   61 16.1429
21   58 12.2917
22   57 9.6957
23   50 10.8
24   50 10.125
25   40 9
26   40 7
27   29 11.4194
28   25 11
29   20 5.2
30   20 5.8
31   17 4.9655
32   17 3.4333
33   16 7.5161
34   14 7.2143
35   14 5.7586
36   14 3.1364
37   13 7.4583
38   11 3.4444
39   0 2.625
40   0 0.375
41   0 1.0645
42   0 0
43   0 4.5172

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Apparently parents need a code to create a parent login for 100 extra points :(

Hopefully we will have until midnight tomorrow night.  But students can still be doing articles and answering polls.  Let's go!  We need those points. Section 2 is now at 87%!  They are catching up to section 3 with 90%.

I can e-mail you your instructions if you want to create a parent login for the extra points.

Achieve Contest! WE NEED YOUR HELP TO WIN!

(Please look at the chart below.)
The Read to Succeed Contest ends TOMORROW! I need all students to do some Achieve articles tonight.  I want 100% of my students to have completed 6 articles.  Those six were to be done between October 21 and November 21.  I do not even know how we did not get 100% anyway. 

I also need you to write about 100 words on the poll questions.  I am giving you points for writing them.  I will read them.

If you use at least one vocab word in the poll question, putting THE VOCAB WORD IN CAPS, I will give you 20 POINTS!


Parents and Students,
If you have your parent create a login, you will earn 100 POINTS! Parents, you do not have to use it.  I just want the points.
(I mean, you can use it, but I do not know what it is. I have not been trained on that pert yet.)

See the picture for where to create the login.

I want to win!!!!

Ranked by Average Points
  RANK Class Name  % completed 6 Average Points
  1 (7113-3) 92 41.4333
  2 (7113-1) 86 36
  3 (6113-4) 66 29.1563
  4 (7113-2) 94 25.9677
  5 (7112-2) 83 25
  6 (6113-2) 84 19.5938
Section 3 7 (8113-4) 90 19.3871
  8 (8112-21) 100 18.4444
Section 2 9 (8113-3) 80 18.4
  10 (7112-4) 74 17.4211
  11 (6113-1) 73 17.0909
  12 (7112-21) 67 15
  13 (7112-5) 68 13.36
Section 1 14 (8112-1) 65 11.6
  15 (6112-22) 83 11.3333
  Ranked by % who completed 6 articles
  RANK Class Name  % completed 6 Average Points
  1 (8112-21) 100 18.4444
  2 (7113-2) 94 25.9677
  3 (7113-3) 92 41.4333
Section 3 4 (8113-4) 90 19.3871
  5 (7113-1) 86 36
  6 (6113-2) 84 19.5938
  7 (6112-22) 83 11.3333
  8 (7112-2) 83 25
Section 2 9 (8113-3) 80 18.4
  10 (7112-4) 74 17.4211
  11 (6113-1) 73 17.0909
  12 (7112-5) 68 13.36
  13 (7112-21) 67 15
  14 (6113-4) 66 29.1563
Section 1 15 (8112-1) 65 11.6

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Grades have been updated on HAC.

I was absent on Monday.

Section 1 should have the pictionaries and choosing the right word for unit 5 done for Thursday.
Sections 2 & 3 will have the unit 5 quiz on Friday.
Sections 2 & 3 could read the story Rules of the Game" in their online book to be familiar with the story.  I am going to focus on the use of the extended metaphor of a chess match that plays out between the mother and the daughter.  The students do have to be familiar with the story for an assessment next week.

Lemon Brown
 All sections answered these three questions to determine if they can make inferences.  Basically, as long as the answer was reasonable and supported enough, I gave them the credit.  If they said cat or duck, well.... I will do something with these.

I took the average between two assessments on The Treasure of Lemon Brown. One test focused more on comprehension.  The other had more inferencing questions.  Both were open book.

I entered the first update of Achieve progress.  By the end of this week, students are to have completed a total of 12 articles.  The average + 25 is on HAC as well.  These scores change when updated.  I do not add new columns.

Section 1 Narratives
All the narratives have been scored and are on HAC.

Sections 2 & 3
I have collected all the Poe essays.  I am so proud of the effort the students have put into these essays!  We worked very hard last week to make them great.  I look forward to reading and scoring them.  I know what I am doing with these essays will benefit them in high school and with Common Core.  

I have not checked off if they are all handed in, so I will let you know if I am missing any. 

Questions for inferencing:

18. What are two things that the men do or say that help you infer that they mean to harm Lemon Brown?
19.  What is one inference you can make about why Lemon Brown stops playing the blues? Include a detail from the story to support your response.
20.  How does Lemon Brown treat Greg like a son? Use two details from the story to support your response.

Friday, November 15, 2013

The faculty vs Girls Volleyball Team Pictures are up

You can view them here or from the sports galleries page on

Sections 2 & 3 should hand in the final draft of the Poe essay on Monday.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Punctuation notes from Poe discussion Sections 2 & 3

  • Sections 2 & 3 should bring in the best draft possible tomorrow for one last check.
  • Sections 2 & 3 should  have completed at least the Choosing the Right Word and the Synonyms pages for tomorrow for Unit 5.
  • Sections 2 & 3 should review The Treasure of Lemon Brown for some assessments tomorrow. 
  • All Sections should have completed 10 Achieve articles by now.
  • Section 1 has a vocab quiz on Unit 4 tomorrow.
 The final Poe essay is due Monday. 

Examples for Thursday discussion Poe

"The Tell-Tale Heart" is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe first published in 1843.
(You can use quotes for a short story title.)

We have also read The Cask of Amontillado and The Pit and the Pendulum. 
(Since we are typing, we can just use italics.)

It follows an unnamed narrator who insists on his sanity after murdering an old man with an "evil eye", which was pale blue with a film over it.
(!!Error!! The comma should be inside the quotes.)

For example a senseless person would say, “But why will you say that I am mad? The disease had sharpened my senses.  Above all was the sense of hearing acute.”
(The “B” is capitalized because it is in the text.)

One example is when he says, “…why will you say that I am mad?” 
(The ellipsis or … is used because the quote is starting in the middle of a line.)

He believes that he is calm and rational and that he has made a good plan taking seven long nights to commit the murder of the old man: “And this I did for seven long nights – very night just at midnight – but I found the eye always closed; and so it was impossible to do the work; for it was not the old man who vexed me, but his Evil Eye.” 
(The colon : is used because the quote that follows is used an example.  There needs to be a complete sentence before the colon.)

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Homework for MrBoZ's classes

Sorry for all the emails.  I wanted to post those two outlines on my blog for anyone who needed some guidance.  Only sections 2 and 3 need to worry about the essay.

Sections 2 & 3
Things are getting a little backed up right now.  Whereas I thought the students would be ready to write the essays at the level I expected, I now realize that I need to take a step back.  Today we focused on outlining and whether their pieces were organized.  Tonight will be the second night I ask them to revise.  Revising is a good skill anyway.  I will make the piece due when I feel that they know what they need to know.

Students should be working on the unit 5 vocab AFTER they have done their other homework.  Ideally, I want it due Friday.

Students read Lemon Brown last night and worked on inferencing.  Tonight I would like them to complete the sheet below.  Tomorrow we will discuss the story in more depth focusing on point of view and character motivation.

Section 1
Students should do the synonyms and antonyms for unit 4.  They will have a quiz on unit 4 on Friday.

I had asked students to read the story at home.  Only three students did the required work.  That was disappointing.  I guess I will have to cram all the lessons into class time.  I would have liked for students to reread the story and answer the questions below.  We will do it in class tomorrow.

The Treasure of Lemon Brown

How does the setting reflect the characters’ emotions?

How is the movement from house to house symbolic?

Provide excellent examples of visual details about the house, Lemon Brown, Greg, and the attack.

What is the theme of the story?

How do these static and dynamic characters help develop the theme?

What purpose does the conflict serve?  What if it didn’t happen?

Inferencing- What will happen after the story?
         What will happen to Greg?
What did we learn about Lemon?


Answer questions on page 345
1. What is your impression of Lemon Brown when you first meet him?  How did your impression change?

2. Why does Greg smile as he rings his doorbell at the end of the story?

3. What situations have you had in your own life that you were thinking about as you read this story?

4. In what way can a homeless person be a role model?

5. Does the story change your feelings towards homeless people?

6. Compare Terry in “Stop the Sun” with Greg.  What problem does each by have?  How does each boy solve his problem?  What does each story teach you about the relationship between a parent and a child?

7. Lemon Brown claims that “every man has a treasure.” Describe a treasure that you have now.  Why do you consider it a treasure?  How does the treasure bring you comfort?

Quotes that capture the essence of…


Lemon Brown



Imagine you are Greg.  Write a diary entry about meeting Lemon Brown and what happened when you got home.
Imagine you are Lemon Brown.  Write a diary entry about your evening meeting Greg.

Another sample outline for a Poe essay


By now you are starting to get a feel for Poe’s writing style.  How would you explain his writing style to someone who has never read him before?  Be sure to discuss his use of many of the following: Mood, Tone, Visualization, Figurative Language, Sentence Structure, Vocabulary, Dialogue, Choice of Topic, Setting, Plot Structure, Foreshadowing, and Suspense.

Remember, all three pieces must be mentioned; although, you can focus mainly on one.

Poe's writing style creates pieces that are scary.
·      Choice of topic & setting
·      Mood & tone
·      Plot structure and suspense.
Poe's writing style is confusing.
·      Sentence structure
·      Word choice and vocabulary
·      Visualization and foreshadowing

This way it is easier to discuss all three.

Sample introduction and introduction for Poe essay


Discuss the reliability of the narrator.  Should we trust him?  What effect does this choice of narrator have on the telling of the story?  We see the story from the narrator’s point of view.  Discuss the dramatic irony found in the story.  Compare what he believes about himself compared to what we know about him.

The three stories we read for class all had something in common.  The story was told to us by a first person narrator.  In real life, when someone is telling us a story, we either know the person or we can get a sense of the reliability of the person as he/she tells us the story.  We can look at facial expressions or listen to the tone of voice.  Can we trust the person in front of us?  But the narrators of these three stories are not in front of us. Moreover, the stories they tell as so fantastical that it is hard to know if they are telling the truth or not.  How can we determine if they are reliable?
Even though the stories are fiction, the narrator is expected to be truthful.  Right? Not always.  In this essay I will be proving that, not only are two of the narrators unreliable, in one of the stories the narrator might be making up the whole story!  I will also be discussing what effects having an unreliable narrator can have on a story.

Tell Tale Heart is the clearest story of an unreliable narrator.
Things he says.
Things he does.
Things he believes.
The way others see the narrator.
The way he sees himself.
Effects of insane narrator.
(There is easily two paragraphs worth of example for this story.)

The narrator in The Cask of Amontillado is a little tougher to determine.
The clues are harder to find.
I do think he has quite a grudge.
Is he insane? Does he have to be?  Would it change the story?

Is the narrator of The Pit and the Pendulum reliable?
Can we trust what he is telling us is true?
If dramatic irony is what caused the tension in TTH, then what causes tension in this story?

Conclusion that imitates the introduction.

If we know that the narrator is unreliable as we read the story, the effect produced is dramatic irony: as he tells the story from his view point, we catch glimpses that there is another view point- sanity.  The tension between these two extremes makes the stories so scary

Tell me something good.

The list continues!  Remember, they are not grammatically correct, but I read through each one to make sure nothing slipped in.  It was pretty neat to remember many of these!  I was there.  I asked, and they told.  Each one of these is an interaction I had with a student.  Each one of these is an opportunity we had as a class to learn about each other.  And most times, these are a chance to laugh.  These truly are are something good.

abby new space glasses are coming out only 700 pesos 1 10/16/13
Abi Didn't get sick this weekend 1 10/15/13
abi team won  1 10/15/13
abi he woke up  1 10/16/13
Abi got to run the ball yesterday 1 10/21/13
Abi Doing math HW 1 10/22/13
abi free wifi 1 10/23/13
abi their asking for money 1 10/24/13
abi someone in the hospital and they came out 1 10/25/13
Abi Halloween Is On Thursday 1 10/28/13
abi going mischiving today 1 10/30/13
Abi Mom car is not vandilized 1 10/31/13
Anayah Pretty little liars special tonight 1 10/22/13
angel gets billz 1 10/16/13
angel joining wrestling team 1 10/24/13
angel going to king of purssia 1 10/25/13
aniyah touching Thursday 1 10/24/13
Aniyah Is a criminal 1 10/31/13
Aniyah Walmart (Mrs. Zufelt) 1 11/5/13
boz watches chick flicks 1 10/23/13
Brian sleeping in tommorow 1 10/18/13
Brian looking forward to HUMP DAY 1 10/21/13
brian new dog 1 10/23/13
Brian gets his new dog after school 1 10/24/13
Brian Slack off? 1 11/5/13
brian beat a west chester team 7-0 1 11/12/13
Brian And Sterling Its Friday tomorrow 1 10/31/13
Briashe JDG 1 11/5/13
camrie Sterling picture 1 10/18/13
Camrie thinks the person in prison is the mayor 1 10/22/13
Camrie jason woods 1 10/25/13
Camrie Wont Fall Asleep In Class 1 10/28/13
camrie hump day!!!!! 1 10/30/13
Camrie mischive night 1 10/30/13
camrie the struggle is real 1 10/30/13
Deandre don't understand homecoming game 1 10/18/13
Deondre won the championship in football 1 11/12/13
donnie camping 1 10/16/13
donnie donnies dogs getting low bot of me 1 10/23/13
donnie his dog is calm and just goes arffff arfff arrfff 1 10/24/13
donnie birthday party 1 10/25/13
donnie Donnies Dog Is Feeling Better From Its Surgery 1 10/28/13
donnie is going to be a stick man  1 10/30/13
donnie is a bad boy 1 10/31/13
Donnie Got his stiches out 1 11/5/13
Donnie swim 1 11/12/13
Gloria the party was fun 1 10/15/13
Gloria party 1 10/18/13
gloria going solo 1 10/23/13
gloria frightland 1 10/24/13
Gloria Has A WeddingThis Weekend 1 10/28/13
Gloria Is a solo  1 11/5/13
Gloria Application in 1 11/5/13
Gloria found her dress 15 1 11/12/13
Gloria photo shoot 1 11/12/13
gloria  went from solo for only 24 hours to being in a group CAREER OVER 1 10/24/13
griffin is a noob 1 10/16/13
griffin last baseball game on Saturday 1 10/25/13
Griffin Almost at a thousand good things 1 11/5/13
Griffin  his sister leaves to go to collage 1 10/15/13
griffindoor hump day 1 10/23/13
harry potter became friends with voldimore 1 10/23/13
jack isnt named jordin 1 10/15/13
jordin isnt named jack 1 10/15/13
jose ring ding ding a dinga dinga ding 1 10/23/13
Jose Halloween 1 10/31/13
Jose It was too crazy yesterday 1 10/31/13
Marbella Coffee 1 11/5/13
mr boz loves his wife 1 10/30/13
Mr. boz got anthrax? 1 10/21/13
Mr. Boz Likes his students. He can teach. 1 10/22/13
Mr. Boz His daughter had to drive 3 hours to play a game 1 11/12/13
Mr.boz went to a wedding 1 10/15/13
mr.boz his son is failing and he sat with him did work and didn't complain 1 10/24/13
Olivia birthday coming up 1 10/21/13
olivia Restarting the vampire Diary 1 10/22/13
Olivia Is happy. 1 11/5/13
Olivia Birthday is in 3 days 1 11/5/13
Seth is going to win this weekend 1 10/18/13
Seth game tonight 1 10/18/13
seth is happy 1 10/23/13
Seth Basketball tryouts  1 11/5/13
Sidra Today's is Monday 1 10/21/13
sterling Friday n two days  1 10/16/13
Sterling 100 on vocab 1 10/18/13
sterling 3 more days until Friday 1 10/22/13
Sterling twerk Tuesday !!!!!!!!!! 1 10/22/13
sterling 2 days till Friday 1 10/23/13
sterling almost Friday 1 10/25/13
Sterling Four More Days Till Friday 1 10/28/13
sterling two days till Friday 1 10/30/13
sterling is cuter then seth 1 10/31/13
Sterling Three more days until Friday… 1 11/5/13
sterling  tomorrow is Friday 1 10/24/13
Taylor the pink in her headband matches her face 1 10/15/13
Taylor Best friend's birthday 1 10/21/13
taylor two parties & monkey bread 1 10/25/13
Taylor Went Laser Tagging 1 10/28/13
Taylor is cuter than everyone (say no too drugs guys) 1 11/5/13
Taylor nails done and soup 1 11/12/13
Addie Groundhog 2 10/22/13
Addie Going to Hershey 2 10/24/13
Addie Rode elephant yesterday 2 10/28/13
Addie rode first roller coaster yesterday 2 11/4/13
Alex 3 new people joined quizlet 2 10/16/13
Alex We're still alive 2 10/17/13
alex ordered ghosts 2 10/21/13
Alex Was stretching 2 10/22/13
Alex started watching arrow 2 10/23/13
Alex Didn't fail test 2 10/24/13
Alex Played Blackjack w/Chinchin 2 10/28/13
alex 5th grader hacked 4 government websites 2 10/30/13
Alex what? 2 10/31/13
Alex Watching livestreams 2 11/4/13
Alex Bit coin at its highest 2 11/12/13
Caroline volleyball is playing brandywine springs 2 10/23/13
Caroline Volleyball Game 2 10/24/13
Caroline volleyball giftbag 2 10/31/13
Chin chin made a cool menu for program 2 10/30/13
Chinchin Program to play Blackjack on 2 10/28/13
Cinchin soccer thing? 2 10/31/13
Dakota Loves Thursday 2 10/17/13
Dakota 100% on math test 2 10/18/13
Dakota HumpDaay 2 10/23/13
dakota hump day!!!!! 2 10/30/13
Dakota Tomorrow is hump day 2 11/12/13
Ella mortal instrument books come today 2 10/15/13
Ella Florida 2 10/16/13
Ella Beat Skyline 2 10/18/13
ella allegiant comes out tomorrow 2 10/21/13
Ella Allegiant came out today 2 10/22/13
Ella field hockey is going to the palyoffs 2 10/23/13
Ella Kristen + Ella attacked by chainsaw-wielding people 2 10/28/13
Ella finished book series 2 10/31/13
Ella Started watching Sherlock on BBC 2 11/4/13
Ella Addy didn''t get hurt durring tourtoment 2 11/12/13
Elyse got an new sketchbook 2 10/15/13
Elyse Scored 2 goals 2 10/18/13
elyse 1st in soccer 2 10/21/13
Elyse got to watch b-team play 2 10/23/13
elyse going out with friends 2 10/31/13
Elyse Got second in soccer tourtament 2 11/12/13
Erin the clique is matching 2 10/31/13
Ian Rereading Lord of he Rings 2 10/17/13
ian had a great canping trip 2 10/21/13
Ian finished speaker for the dead 2 10/23/13
Ian It's a good day to be happy 2 10/24/13
Ian is typing 2 10/28/13
ian going to a basketball game 2 10/30/13
Ian Bombay Hook 2 11/4/13
Ian Finished 20 mile hike 2 11/12/13
Ian  going camping  2 10/18/13
jehleen dyed hair 2 11/4/13
Katie went golfing 2 10/15/13
Katie the people on her show got together 2 10/16/13
Katie Still alive. Soccer tournement on Saturday 2 10/17/13
Katie Venting circle 2 10/18/13
katie had her 1st birdie in golf 2 10/21/13
Katie Phone is okay after it fell in toilet 2 10/22/13
Katie parents had their 19th wedding anniversary 2 10/23/13
Katie Going to NYC 2 10/24/13
Katie Went to NYC and went to cool diner 2 10/28/13
katie get to touch organs 2 10/30/13
Katie gets to wear a tutu 2 10/31/13
Katie Story of my life music video came out 2 11/4/13
katie Got cookies and food 2 11/12/13
kristen made a new friend 2 10/15/13
kristen wrote big paragraph for rouqette audition 2 10/21/13
Kristen Thinks someone is hiding in the prison in the Walking Dead 2 10/22/13
Kristen Going to Hershey 2 10/24/13
kristen oxford halloween parade 2 10/30/13
kristen Learned to play story of my life on piano 2 11/4/13
Kristen Got to be a singing teacher 2 11/12/13
Lien going to Ireland 2 10/16/13
Lien wans to fall? 2 10/16/13
Lien A book with a hole in it 2 10/24/13
lien family friend is dying but is getting surgery 2 10/30/13
Lien not a cat 2 10/31/13
Mr. boz Cool rapping and recording plan 2 10/17/13
Mr.Boz Son did not fight with him last night 2 10/22/13
Mr.Boz Enjoyed pretty little liars 2 10/23/13
Mr.Boz Finished book Grapes of Wrath -- amazing 2 10/28/13
Nawel going to see carrie 2 10/15/13
Nawel Might see a concert 2 10/28/13
Nisaiah Going to Washington DC w/8th grade 2 10/28/13
nisaih mischeif night 2 10/30/13
Nisaih Bought a turtle 2 11/12/13
Nisayah good drawing 2 10/31/13
Nisiah getting an iphone 2 10/15/13
Nisiah Drawing 2 10/24/13
Nisiah Finished drawing 2 11/4/13
Nyzea Got a flute 2 10/18/13
Shane Name's not northwest 2 10/17/13
Shane Gov't isn't shutdown anymore 2 10/18/13
Shane is cuter then seth 2 10/31/13
Shane Going to football championships 2 11/4/13
Shane Baseball starting 2 11/12/13
Shannon Daddy ok :) 2 10/16/13
Shannon Dads out of hospital, A on math test, almost done movie 2 10/18/13
shannon no death by dog 2 10/21/13
Shannon Friend lended her allegiant 2 10/22/13
Shannon Finished Allegiant, finished Youtube movie Sat. 2 10/28/13
Shannon her dog is back and is cured of amnesia 2 10/30/13
Shannon gets candyyy 2 10/31/13
Shannon Finished 2 books Sunday 2 11/4/13
Will finished book 2 10/16/13
will miley cyrus for halloween 2 10/21/13
Will Mixed hot chocolate and coffee 2 10/28/13
will is awesome 2 10/30/13
Will got bored and read cask of amontillado 2 11/4/13
Will Won loser bracket 2 11/12/13
Yuni In the library on Sat 2 10/16/13
Yuni making a youtube video 2 10/31/13
Yunsik almost done 1984 2 10/15/13
Yunsik On part 3 of the book 2 10/18/13
yunsik reading death of a salesman 2 10/21/13
Yunsik started a depressing book 2 10/23/13
Yunsik New book 2 10/28/13
yunsik read edgar allen poe poems 2 10/30/13
Yunsik Finished House of Hades (extra nerdy) 2 11/4/13
Amaya Stole Mini's sweatshirt 3 10/23/13
Amaya good mischif night 3 10/31/13
Amaya Pictures of Mr. Boz 3 11/8/13
amaya boslers picture in scrapbook 3 11/12/13
Angeela Going to Texas 3 11/8/13
Angela going to be a shadow hunter for halloween 3 10/21/13
Angela Grandparents came back from Australia 3 10/22/13
Angela IS a cat 3 10/31/13
Angela burn stuff on Friday (vocab books) 3 11/4/13
angela wrote 885 words in texas 3 11/12/13
Ben Scored a header goal 3 10/15/13
Emily went to a wedding 3 10/15/13
Emily got iPod fixed 3 10/21/13
Emily 3 day weekend 3 11/8/13
emily snowing this morning  3 11/12/13
Emma IT'S HER BIRTHDAY 3 11/8/13
Erin HB volleyball won 3 10/15/13
Erin has a volleyball game 3 10/21/13
Erin Dad is in China 3 10/22/13
Erin Volleyball play offs are on Monday 3 10/24/13
Erin Volleyball championships 3 10/31/13
Harry proved the I cut the pizza theorem 3 10/15/13
Harry Finished what he needed to do for Algebra 2 3 10/18/13
Harry something 3 10/23/13
Harry likes google plus 3 10/24/13
Harry Can slack off now and got applications turned in 3 11/4/13
Harry played tf2  3 11/12/13
Harry<3 Watched 10 hour loop of cats <3 3 11/8/13
Jeighton Blew up pumpkin 3 11/4/13
Jeighton Friday at 2:30 3 11/8/13
JT birthday is on Friday 3 10/21/13
Liam Saturday is in five days 3 10/21/13
Liam New hockey stick 3 10/31/13
liam something about hockey  3 11/12/13
Lukas got an iphone 5s 3 10/15/13
Lukas Getting teeth pulled 3 10/23/13
Lukas got 4 teeth pulled 3 10/24/13
Maddie got beat by john in game 3 10/15/13
Maddie birthday is on Saturday 3 10/21/13
Maddie wants to scream for joy 3 10/22/13
Maddie Maddie and Erin and Caroline are having a rant session 3 10/23/13
Maddie Erin looks nice with her braces 3 10/24/13
Maddie Lost St. Mary's championship game 3 11/4/13
Maddie Class with Sarah today <33333333333333 3 11/8/13
maddie weirdoooo  3 11/12/13
Maggie Made someone's day. 3 10/18/13
Maggie mom made her cookies 3 10/21/13
Maggie babysitting 3 10/22/13
Maggie Will play for team 3 10/23/13
Maggie Dad is nice 3 10/24/13
Maggie Two lacrosse games: goal+injury 3 11/4/13
Maggie Her AMAZING BAND IS PLAYING 3 11/8/13
Maggie  cant go to house because their afraid of her 3 10/31/13
Mr. Boz Silence 3 10/22/13
Mr. Boz His son is failing Social Studies 3 10/24/13
Mr. Boz Is gonna see the Lackawanna Coal Mine 3 11/8/13
Mr.Boz Went to some show and talked about cars 3 11/4/13
Nadia Having a great day 3 10/18/13
Naria Got a strawberry parfait 3 10/22/13
Naria Today 3 10/23/13
Naria finished her tea pot 3 10/24/13
Naria Good job during fire drill 3 10/31/13
Naria Went to some open house thingy 3 11/4/13
naria  watched white house down and channing tatum is sooo cute!!!! 3 11/12/13
Naria (again) Saw Mrs. Zufelt at wal-mart and hugged her 3 11/4/13
Nariad Sining Amazing Grace in Social Studies 3 11/8/13
Nikeel Ileggally set of fireworks rebal life!!! 3 11/8/13
nikhil helped neighbor move in 3 10/15/13
Nikhil HUMPDAYYYYYYYY 3 10/23/13
Nikhil near technology 3 11/4/13
nikkel moms b day  3 11/12/13
Nikkhil Got to wake up late 3 10/22/13
Nikkil Going on a camping trip. 3 10/18/13
Nikkil His Brthday 3 10/24/13
P.J. Won a baseball game 3 10/18/13
PJ ate whole package of cookie dough 3 10/21/13
PJ Erin is getting braces tomorrow 3 10/22/13
pj ate half a tub of cookie doe 3 11/12/13
PJ chezawich stayed up past 9:30 and red sox won 3 10/31/13
Ria field hockey team won 3 10/15/13
Sarah Got a 95% on math test. 3 10/18/13
Sarah Have a lot of homework 3 10/22/13
Sarah Pretty little liars on last night  3 10/23/13
sarah  onions b day  3 11/12/13
Shinny going to a mental institution 3 10/15/13
Shinny Owns debt. 3 10/18/13
Shinny understands meaning of cyclone 3 10/21/13
Shinny Jehleen sits in her seat 3 10/22/13
Shinny Piano teachers concert 3 10/23/13
Shinny Saw teachers recital 3 10/24/13
Shinny life is so optimistic (irony) 3 11/4/13
Shinny Mr. Boz is trying 3 11/8/13
shinny happy until poe essay 3 11/12/13
Shinny  Saw Adams Family production on broadway 3 10/31/13
Tayla obsessed with ice hockey 3 10/15/13
Tayla Got a 100% on math test 3 10/18/13
Tayla obsessed with hockey 3 10/21/13
Tayla Dad got her M&M alarm clock 3 10/22/13
Tayla New jacket  3 10/23/13
Tayla Is going on both trips 3 10/24/13
Tayla Dress up as hockey player 3 10/31/13
Tayla new marking period  3 11/4/13
Tayla nice hair 3 11/12/13
Tayla (Again) Cheerleading was good during championship 3 11/4/13
Tayla (Again) something about ducks 3 11/12/13