Friday, September 21, 2012

Tell me something good!

To start my class on a positive note, and to get to know and support each other better, I ask the class to "tell me something good."  Each day, I have someone type in what the students have said.  This way we can look back on all the good things!  I started typing them recently, so here is what we have so far. (The spelling and grammar are not perfect... yet.)

Tell Me Something Good

September 13, 2012
·      Tomorrow’s Friday
·      I beat the monkey king in the tenth dimension
·      Getting a new guitar tomorrow
·      Almost finished a book
·      Getting hair highlighted
·      Going camping
·      Going to a party
·      Going on America's got talent
·      Found money outside
·      Got hair cut
·      IPhone 5 came out
·      Sporks!!
·      Birthdays
·      Armor for our soldiers
September 14, 2012
·      I got 1st chair trombone.
·      I am seeing Nemo 3d today.
·      At 2:27pm it is officially the weekend.
·      P, J, and A made it into honor band for trumpet
·      She has cupcake nails.
·      Later today photo-shoot
·      Football game
·      It’s Friday
·      Picture day
·      Pizza for lunch
·      Sister is dating a Eagle’s player & going to get us free tickets! (not)
·      Baseball practice
·      BMX Biking
·      Basketball
·      Carrots
·      Sky-diving
·      Halloween
·      Football game on Sunday
·      Birthday October 2nd

Tuesday, September 18
·      Rosh Hashanah services
·      Beat the monkey king of the 12th dimension
·      Beat the evil empress of the 11th dimension
·      Only 200 pages left to finish a very long book
·      Finished second book of Heroes of Olympus series
·      Birthday yesterday
·      Getting a 100% on vocab quiz
·      Photo shoot went ok
·      Has a party on Saturday!

Thursday, September 20, 2012
·      E gets to practice after school
·      S learned she can hold a note for 72 seconds
·      S finished second AR book
·      M only 150 pages left
·      Sunday is Pat’s birthday
·      Mom goes to Niagara Falls
·      Going to the dance studio!
·      Gets to sing for the 6th and 7th graders
·      Tomorrow is Friday
·      Cheerleading practice today

Friday, September 21, 2012
·      S got tasty cough drops
·      M has 100 more pages left
·      We get to sleep in besides Mr.Boz
·      P has a football game Saturday.
·      P #2 his brothers are coming home
·      iPhone 5 today
·      It’s Friday
·      Getting the hair done
·      Brother gets to play in a football game
·      Shopping
·      Pizza day
·      Going to a party
·      Made all the teachers cry with my singing
·      Motorcycles
·      Rita’s after school
·      Play my video games
·      The feeling you get when you achieve a goal
·      Going to high school
·      Weekends