Sunday, September 23, 2012

I graded the responses to literature. Check HAC.

Response to Literature Grading… so far

A response to literature is a different from the essays I am used to grading.  So I wish I could explain exactly why I graded one piece better than another.   This is the best explanation I have so far of what constitutes a proper response to literature.  Even with the break down, there are still times when I just feel like the paper is one grade over another. 

We will discuss these before the next response is written.  I will organize samples to show the students the differences.

100%   Grade: A+
·       These papers discussed the author’s style of writing, how the writer crafted the story.
·       Some analyzed the author’s use of characters for a purpose and elements of plot for a purpose or effect.
·       Some even suggested alternatives and discussed how a change in the story would affect the story.
·       They also made some personal connections to the piece through specific references to the story.

95%     Grade: A
·       These papers were very good.
·       These papers did what was asked: they responded to the literature.
·       They made connections to the piece which were clear and referenced with examples.
·       They explained those connections clearly.
·       Some would mention theme.  Some focused on characters. They tended to mention literary terms.
·       Their pieces contained few grammar distractions and varied sentence structure.

90%     Grade: B
·       These papers were good.
·       These papers tended to make more connections between the text and themselves.
·       They were a little shallow in their analysis of the story.
·       They were long enough, organized enough, and easy enough to read.
·       They had proper sentence structure.
·       Some had small editing errors.

85%    Grade: C+/B-
·       This is a gut feeling area. 
·       This paper might have errors that pull it down.
·       It might have content that pulls it up.

80%    Grade: C
·       Here is where all types of weaknesses are taken into consideration.
·       Some were short on details and connections.
·       Some were weak on organization.  They meandered through ideas to make the piece longer.
·       Some had sentence structure errors that should have been basic by now.
·       Some had grammar errors that distracted.  Every time I have to make a correction, the piece gets weaker.
·       In short, these pieces are average for the grade.

75%    Grade: D
·       Students should not be scoring here.
·       This is credit for doing the piece.