Friday, September 28, 2012

Interims are due October 4th

I need to add some classwork grades to the grade book to balance out the Raymond's Run open book quiz.  Too many students did not do as well as I would have liked, and right now that is the ONLY grade in that category.  Classwork counts 35% of the grade.  That means their grades are overly affected by that one score. I will fix this over the next few weeks.

I plan to add some in-class work from Stop the Sun that we did this week.  We will also be taking an open book quiz on Stop the Sun.  I am using the test I have been given to test for comprehension and to assess effort in class. 

We will also be writing another 300 work piece as soon as we finish studying the story.  We could start it as early as the end of next week.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

We spent the day in the computer lab

One AR test is due by October 4th.

We finished the Fall DCAS Reading Test.  This data will help me focus on their weaknesses so they can be ready for spring testing.

When all the students were finished, because this was the second day of testing, the students used the computers to help their grades in my class.  Some set up their HAC so they can stay on top of their grades.  Some took AR tests.  Others explored the links on my website.  A few worked on their current events for other classes.

Overall, I think we had a very useful day in the lab. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Accelerated Reader test due by next Thursday

(Section 4 did not get to do SSR today. I am trying to coordinate with the librarian.)

Continue to read for AR.
All students must take a one test by next Thursday.

Here is the letter I sent home for you to sign:

Welcome to Accelerated Reader!
  You’ve taken the Star Test and we’ve determined your reading level to be
__________ TO __________
     You are expected to read two books per marking period (honors students are required to read three).  Due dates will be posted in the classroom – they are 100% your responsibility. You must choose a book that is on your level and not below or above. After reading the book, you must take a computerized test that focuses on comprehension.  You can do that in the classroom or at the library (ask for permission to go).  Tests will have 5, 10 or 20 questions on them.  Each AR test counts as a 100 point test in the grade book…that’s massive.  Failing a test, missing a deadline or not taking a test at all will affect your grade in a seriously negative way.
     In the HB library, you can search on the catalog computers as Mrs. March showed you. In addition, AR books are labeled with a red sticker on their spine.  If you’d prefer to get a book at your local library or elsewhere, make sure it’s an AR book by searching .  It is up to you to determine if the book you want to read is an AR book – excuses will not be accepted!
1.     Make sure your book is definitely an AR book BEFORE reading it!
2. Do not wait until the due date to take the test!
3. Do not wait until the last minute to read the book!
4. Take notes as you read if you struggle with comprehension!
5. Pick books that you find interesting!

We understand the importance of AR and are aware of the above guidelines.

Parent’s Signature
Student’s Signature
Student’s name and class name:

Monday, September 24, 2012

Background knowledge for Stop the Sun by Gary Paulsen

Students must take an AR test by October 4th.  
They should be reading at home as well.

I am trying to establish a reading routine in class.  We will read 15-20 minutes each day.
I am trying to get them to the library to take tests, but our librarian has a crazy schedule this year.  I will work it out.

The main goal of today was to establish background knowledge for Stop the Sun by Gary Paulsen. 
We did the activity below to see what they know.
Then we watched two clips from a History Channel video that talked about attrition.  
By the end of the period, the students had an idea of the war.  They will need this for the father in the story.

Brainstorm the Vietnam War
1.    For two minutes, write down whatever you know about the Vietnam War.
2.    Share with your group and compile a group background knowledge.
3.    One person share with the class.

Building visual background knowledge: Attrition

“Readers nee to use mental pictures from television, books, movies, and their own experiences to create pictures that the author expects the reader to create while reading.”

We start with a rough image, and the text makes us modify it with other details.

·      As you watch the video today, jot down some descriptions of what you see.
·      Describe the soldiers, the fighting, the scenery, and other things that jump out at you. 
·      As we read the story, I want you to pay attention to how you brought in what you know and modified it based on the details from the story.

 Here are some of the things the groups brainstormed about the Vietnam War:

South vs North
No purpose
Lots dies 58,000 Americans
Forrest Gump
Full Metal Jacket
Apocalypse Now
Hard war
Guerrilla warfare
18 draft
wasn’t our war helped
didn’t win
c rations
tracker dogs –Cracker
Special forces
AK 47, M16
Important war
Uncle involved
Still POW’s
DC memorial

Sunday, September 23, 2012

I graded the responses to literature. Check HAC.

Response to Literature Grading… so far

A response to literature is a different from the essays I am used to grading.  So I wish I could explain exactly why I graded one piece better than another.   This is the best explanation I have so far of what constitutes a proper response to literature.  Even with the break down, there are still times when I just feel like the paper is one grade over another. 

We will discuss these before the next response is written.  I will organize samples to show the students the differences.

100%   Grade: A+
·       These papers discussed the author’s style of writing, how the writer crafted the story.
·       Some analyzed the author’s use of characters for a purpose and elements of plot for a purpose or effect.
·       Some even suggested alternatives and discussed how a change in the story would affect the story.
·       They also made some personal connections to the piece through specific references to the story.

95%     Grade: A
·       These papers were very good.
·       These papers did what was asked: they responded to the literature.
·       They made connections to the piece which were clear and referenced with examples.
·       They explained those connections clearly.
·       Some would mention theme.  Some focused on characters. They tended to mention literary terms.
·       Their pieces contained few grammar distractions and varied sentence structure.

90%     Grade: B
·       These papers were good.
·       These papers tended to make more connections between the text and themselves.
·       They were a little shallow in their analysis of the story.
·       They were long enough, organized enough, and easy enough to read.
·       They had proper sentence structure.
·       Some had small editing errors.

85%    Grade: C+/B-
·       This is a gut feeling area. 
·       This paper might have errors that pull it down.
·       It might have content that pulls it up.

80%    Grade: C
·       Here is where all types of weaknesses are taken into consideration.
·       Some were short on details and connections.
·       Some were weak on organization.  They meandered through ideas to make the piece longer.
·       Some had sentence structure errors that should have been basic by now.
·       Some had grammar errors that distracted.  Every time I have to make a correction, the piece gets weaker.
·       In short, these pieces are average for the grade.

75%    Grade: D
·       Students should not be scoring here.
·       This is credit for doing the piece.


Friday, September 21, 2012

Tell me something good!

To start my class on a positive note, and to get to know and support each other better, I ask the class to "tell me something good."  Each day, I have someone type in what the students have said.  This way we can look back on all the good things!  I started typing them recently, so here is what we have so far. (The spelling and grammar are not perfect... yet.)

Tell Me Something Good

September 13, 2012
·      Tomorrow’s Friday
·      I beat the monkey king in the tenth dimension
·      Getting a new guitar tomorrow
·      Almost finished a book
·      Getting hair highlighted
·      Going camping
·      Going to a party
·      Going on America's got talent
·      Found money outside
·      Got hair cut
·      IPhone 5 came out
·      Sporks!!
·      Birthdays
·      Armor for our soldiers
September 14, 2012
·      I got 1st chair trombone.
·      I am seeing Nemo 3d today.
·      At 2:27pm it is officially the weekend.
·      P, J, and A made it into honor band for trumpet
·      She has cupcake nails.
·      Later today photo-shoot
·      Football game
·      It’s Friday
·      Picture day
·      Pizza for lunch
·      Sister is dating a Eagle’s player & going to get us free tickets! (not)
·      Baseball practice
·      BMX Biking
·      Basketball
·      Carrots
·      Sky-diving
·      Halloween
·      Football game on Sunday
·      Birthday October 2nd

Tuesday, September 18
·      Rosh Hashanah services
·      Beat the monkey king of the 12th dimension
·      Beat the evil empress of the 11th dimension
·      Only 200 pages left to finish a very long book
·      Finished second book of Heroes of Olympus series
·      Birthday yesterday
·      Getting a 100% on vocab quiz
·      Photo shoot went ok
·      Has a party on Saturday!

Thursday, September 20, 2012
·      E gets to practice after school
·      S learned she can hold a note for 72 seconds
·      S finished second AR book
·      M only 150 pages left
·      Sunday is Pat’s birthday
·      Mom goes to Niagara Falls
·      Going to the dance studio!
·      Gets to sing for the 6th and 7th graders
·      Tomorrow is Friday
·      Cheerleading practice today

Friday, September 21, 2012
·      S got tasty cough drops
·      M has 100 more pages left
·      We get to sleep in besides Mr.Boz
·      P has a football game Saturday.
·      P #2 his brothers are coming home
·      iPhone 5 today
·      It’s Friday
·      Getting the hair done
·      Brother gets to play in a football game
·      Shopping
·      Pizza day
·      Going to a party
·      Made all the teachers cry with my singing
·      Motorcycles
·      Rita’s after school
·      Play my video games
·      The feeling you get when you achieve a goal
·      Going to high school
·      Weekends