Friday, April 20, 2012

Students are dragging their feet on their ad.

It seems like as soon as the students leave class, the project is "out of sight, out of mind."  Each day when I ask them to get started, it's like they spend half the time just playing around.  No student has said he/she is finished a rough draft for Monday.  I guess I will give them more work time next week, but they just seem to waste it.

Maybe a weekend will help them come back refreshed.  It is going to be a long week next week.  We go to block scheduling:
Tuesday I will see sections 3, 5, and HB. 
Wednesday, sections 4, 6, and 5.
Thursday, sections  3, 5, and HB.
Friday, sections 4, 6, and 3.

Sometime during the week we will have the quiz on unit 12.
The print ad will also be due around Thursday.

The school year is not over yet!