Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Let the scheduling nightmare begin!

Parents of students in sections 3, 4, 5, and 6,  (HB see below)
I will do my best to keep you up to date on what is due, but honestly, the next two weeks will be a little strange.  If you look at my calendar, you will see Block and No.  Because of DCAS testing, I will see some students for two periods (Block) while some days I will not see them at all (No).

To make things go smoothly this month, I have decided we will do grammar and vocabulary.  Students will be kept up to date on their class's progress on a chart in the room.  If I don't see them one day, we will just pick up where we left off.  This goes for vocabulary too!  Not every class will have their test on the same date!

By the end of May, we need to cover three units of vocab and take the final.   We will have also studied a subject/verb agreement unit and other small grammar ideas, taken notes for a notebook check, and taken a cumulative test.

Parents of students in the HB period,
I have a methods student from the University of Delaware.  This week she is responsible for teaching a series of connected lessons.  In other words, I have turned my class over to her for a week.  While I am still in the room, she is responsible for the lessons and running the class.  The HB class is organizing a comparison piece comparing the Barney classroom idea posed in the beginning of the year to what the classroom has looked like since.

If you have read this far, you can see that things are pretty hectic around here!  But I will do my best to keep the students organized.

These are the magazine ads students made.
(click to view larger)