Thursday, May 05, 2011

The schedule gets crazier!

Section HB students will have their unit 13 quiz Friday.  They also have a 350 word piece due by the end of class Friday that they have been working on with my methods student from the University of Delaware.  They are allowed to type the piece tonight.

Sections 3, 4, 5, and 6 are now all on different schedules for vocab and the grammar unit.  The notes can still me found on my webpage.  These classes will have the unit 13 quiz on Tuesday... as far as I know.  I don't like to give homework over the weekend, so we will review on Monday and test Tuesday.  

DCAS testing for today was postponed due to state-wide computer problems.  My homeroom got a chance to watch Bedtime Stories with Adam Sandler.  That is such a good movie!  One of these years I want to have students write a bedtime story like those in the movie.  We all need a hero in our lives... or at least a happy ending to some challenging situations we face.  The main character realizes that life has challenges, and he needs to write the ending to those challenges where he is the hero.  Maybe we have the solutions to our own problems if we just dream a little.