Tuesday, February 08, 2011

What if...?

Science Fiction Writing
The question I am getting the students to think about is What if...?

Today we watched two quick (appropriate) scenes from the movie the Matrix.  Here is what we discussed:

Up until now, the main character, Neo, felt like there was something bigger than this world. He had this idea of the Matrix in his head, but he did not know what it was. Before this scene, he was violently flushed out of his living chamber, he has been revived physically, and now he is going to be told the truth about his life.

All the technologies in this scene exist in some form now. The movie just asks What if…? How does the story give us a glimpse of how our present-day technologies could turn out?

What if… we allow Artificial Intelligence to have self-rule?
What if… we could live inside a computer?
What if… we needed to scorch the sky?
What if… we are living in a computer right now? Would you know?

The students need to be thinking about a technology that they will include in their science fiction piece.
On Monday, the students will need to discuss these questions:
Explain the technology.
What does it do?
How does it do it?
What are its current uses?
What problem does this technology solve, or what problems might this technology create?
What if ...?

We also went to the Book Fair.