Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Students should be working on their science fiction stories

Today we reviewed the answers from their brainstorming sheets.  (See the previous blog post.)  In some classes we paired up, and students had to present their story idea like a movie producer.  In some classes we discussed ideas as a class.  Then I gave the students time to write.

I was discussing how students could get started if they could not figure out a story.  I asked them to write down all the things they do from waking up to going to sleep.  Then inject their new technology into that day!  How would the modern technology change the way they do things normally?  Well, that is kind of what a sci-fi story does. We get to see ourselves in a setting that is not our usual. 

By now students should have some sort of an opening scene.  The opening to the story establishes the main character and his/her motivation.  I told them it was like a curtain opening on a stage.  As the audience rests their eyes on the stage, the story begins.  For a a paragraph or so, the audience is being introduced to a setting or a character. 

We will discuss more ideas as the week goes on.  I expect students to work on their pieces at home.

We have DCAS Wednesday, so I will not see sections 4 and HB.