Friday, February 25, 2011

The good draft of the sci-fi story is due Monday.

Handing in the essay on-time is not only important, it is a grade. 
I need the essays in so I can start pairing them up for the competition.  I am going to have students read the stories and decide which ones are the best.  By the end of the week, we will have some winners!

I really like this piece because it is one of the few pieces that allows imagination.  Where do the fiction writers on the best-sellers list come from?  Well, after reading some of my writers, I would like to think that maybe I helped the process along.  :)

Have a nice weekend.

I will be entering some grades this weekend.  I will enter the interims by Tuesday.  I hope to give students a grade slip by Wednesday.

I updated the rubric for how the essays will be scored.  Please see the entry on 2/23.

Are you up for a challenge? 
Check out this piece of writing.  Can you find the errors?  In class, we divided this into five paragraphs and found around ten corrections.

The other hovercrafts arrived, and twelve soldiers came together and nodded to Asad. “OK”, Asad said fiercely, “Let’s get this over with, just talk with them, no shooting or stealing, got it! A loud, “Yes, Sir!” rose up from the group. Asad second in command Khalil came up to him and asked in a quiet voice why he seemed so angry. Asad looked at him and said, “You know I hate this job” “Yeah well I sometimes feel the same, but orders are orders, so just kept it together for a little while longer.” Asad nodded and he and the rest of the men including Khalil marched up to the savages.