Be ready for the ant debate
Good draft due Monday

We continued the debates.
The debates can never be predicted. That's why I love to do them. We all have different skills and talents. The ability to critically evaluate the opponent's arguments is something we develop over time. Whereas we think to win we should have a great first round presentation, we saw in some debates today that the second round rebuttal is where many debates are won or lost. In one debate in particular today, Pasha and Anyia, both were even after the first round. However, in the second round, Anyia took every one of Pasha's points and rebutted them. Every point he thought he won in the first round was equalized once she was done. I had to tell her to stop. The class enjoyed seeing this. This type of thing cannot be predicted, which is why I look forward to every debate.
With that said, I can't reinforce enough that I have provided ample opportunities for points in the debates. A few too many students are being lazy thinking they will do fine when they get up there. I assure you that they will not do well if they have not done all that I asked.