I did ask my classes to conduct some interviews of people to find out why H.B. is a school worth attending. I know we cannot assign homework, so I said those who did these interviews would be better off than those who just have to guess what people want in a school. I think the interviews will help the students when they create their promotional videos.
I have created a nice web page that explains what we are currently working on. We have completed the first two things on the page, and we are in the middle of the third. Since we have to promote H.B. duPont Middle School, I thought it would be best to study what private schools do to promote their schools. It's like studying the competition. Sure, these schools offer many things H.B. cannot, but I am hoping we can make our school shine like these schools do on their web page. Our school does not cost $20,000 a year. H.B. is a great value in some ways.
This research will be turned into a compare/contrast essay. I will have the outline posted soon.