Sorry I haven't blogged the past few days, but there was not really much to update. We are working on outlining paragraphs that compare H.B. to a private school. Here are the two prompts students can address. Some have the parent, and others have the student:
Audience: Parents
Should I send my child to H.B. DuPont, or should I send him to the private school you researched? Is there anything I must know before I make my decision?
Audience: Student
I would like to know what middle school I should go to. I hear private schools are pretty nice, but can I get the same experience if I go to H.B.? What do you think I should know about each school before I talk about this with my mom and dad?
The reason we are doing this comparison is to see what the competition has. In many ways, the private schools have more than we do, but for the money and life experience, I am not so sure H.B. is that far behind. That is my opinion. I want to see what the students have to say.
Again, all of these activities are preparing students for the ad they will make to promote H.B..
The final paragraph will be due Thursday of next week. I plan to get some of my classes into the writing lab on Wednesday of next week. I will post the rubric next week.
Have a nice weekend.