Tuesday, March 17, 2009

March 17, 2009

Yes, I assigned homework.  I want the students to come in with a 300-350 word paragraph that we have been working on.  I am having trouble keeping the momentum of the current lesson going through testing.  I figured since we are done testing, accept for make-ups, I can assign some homework.  I can't wait to get to filming the videos, but we have to cover some important media literacy concepts first as part of the curriculum.

I would also like the students to bring in a magazine on Thursday and Friday.  We will be looking at artificial means of persuasion- or ad techniques.  I think they will enjoy the lessons more if they are looking at magazines they like.  Otherwise, they will be looking at boring newspaper ads.

Lastly, we are starting a new unit of vocab Wednesday.  I looked at the calendar.  We can keep up the two week schedule through March and April, but in May, we will be doing a unit a week!  May will be vocab month, and it will end with the final.  I want the students to get their $8.50 worth out of their books!