Pictionaries and Synonyms unit 3
Be ready to read the word for the recording tomorrow
I gave the groups time to finish up preparing for tomorrow's reading. All of the scripts were to be completed and handed in. This way, no matter who is absent, the recording will go smoothly.
While the students were working, I called each student up to discuss his/her grade. I showed them the few remaining grades I entered and asked for any outstanding work. Most students left the class knowing what their first marking period grade will be. Soon enough, you will be able to log on and see these grades. I am closing the grade book for the first marking period because it is a good time to do it. There is a logical break between what we have been doing and the next unit we will study. I am planning the next unit, finishing up the grades, and then I will begin grading the essays. They take too long to even think of getting them into the first marking period.
If I don't say it later, the first marking period grade is based more on doing the work than achievement. What I mean by that is, if a student did all the assignments on time, his grade will (can) be good regardless of how well he did on the assignment. There were some graded assignments, don't get me wrong, but next marking period will reflect a student's abilities better. There will be more quizzes, two graded essays or more, and more classwork grades. I don't know why I feel I should tell you this, though. It's probably because I have taught long enough to know that the first marking period is the easiest. The second and third are the hardest.