Pictionaries 11-20 and synonyms unit 2
Rough draft of the essay is due tomorrow (for a grade)
No daily drill
We listened to words 11-20 and discussed
Took the Notebook quiz
I gave them time to work on their rough drafts
Honestly, I have this fear that students won't write the essays. I go through this all the time. Maybe it is because I am a writer, and I don't wait until the last minute. But today, I was not getting the feeling that students had started the essay. This is why the rough is due tomorrow. Over the next couple of days, I will discuss techniques they can use to improve their essays. We will read some samples. We will also discuss the introductions and conclusions. The final draft will probably be due Monday, unless I feel we need to cover a few things.
Expect a grade update tomorrow. I will not ask it to be signed, but I will be giving it to the kids.