Monday, October 18, 2010

We have begun our narrative piece!

Completing the Sentence Unit 3
Quiz on Unit 3 on Thursday
The narrative is due October 27ish

I reviewed the basic structure of a narrative.  I explained that they start with a hook, an interesting introduction that grabs the reader.  Then the piece goes through the event that is being discussed.  It ends with some sort of reflection.  A narrative is not just retelling a moment.  A narrative is more about the writer leading us through the event and the effect the event had on him.  I will discuss narrative more as we read more examples this week.

Today we read "I'm Not Ready to Be The Lord of the Wings," written by Peter Duffy.  If you read this article (which I hope is there), you will see that at least 1/3 of it is commentary on the event.  I will be teaching students techniques to improve their narrative writing craft.

Here is the assignment page from