Tuesday, October 05, 2010

The Interview summary is due Thursday

Completing the Sentence Unit 2 due Wednesday
Interview summary due Thursday
Quiz Unit 2 Thursday

The goal for today was for the students to understand what is expected in the written interview summary due Thursday (rough draft Wed. if possible).  We read a student example today that wasn't quite what was needed.  In the summary, the student focused more on recounting the information learned during the interview with her sister.  While that is technically a summary, the piece did not have any life.  So I had the students help me create a focus that not only recounts the information, but, more importantly, includes the reactions of the interviewer.  Please see the notes below.  The very last piece is something I wrote for fun.  It is unedited and stupid, but it does show voice and my emotions as the interviewer.  I was showing my reaction to the interview, not simply recounting the information.

The goal of this interview was to connect through listening.
        What are your thoughts and reactions to what you learned?
         Did you connect with your person?

Do not simply relate the questions and answers discussed.
Volleyball: Fun
Family: Passing ball around
Family: Disney
Sisters: Dalmatians
Sisters: Talking
Sisters: Fighting
Volleyball: Proudest
Quality: Talkative

Suggested Outline
I interviewed my sister because she and I are really close. I discovered that I actually admire her.
           Explain the interview process quickly.
           I discovered my sister and I are close.
           I realized by the end that I admire my sister.
I interviewed my sister because she and I are really close. I discovered that I actually admire her.

(250 - 400 words in ONE paragraph)

I wrote this for fun.
           I thought I knew everything there is to know about Grandma. I was wrong! The interview started off boring enough. I figured I had to interview someone special because Mr. Bosler said I would remember this forever. Sure. So I asked Grandma to tell me about her life thinking, “I God. She is going to ramble on forever.” She started off by telling me that she was shot in the eye with a bb gun. What? Seriously? Not, “I was born in 1802?” In the eye with a bb gun. I had to know more. And there was plenty to tell! She told me that my mom shot her, Christmas morning, in 1857! Um… Really? This is when I knew that Grandmom was crazy! For the rest of the interview, I just went along for the ride. Did you know that the first president of the U.S. was a mouse? Neither did I! But Grandma did!