Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Crafting a narrative

Work on the narrative essay.
Study for the Unit 3 quiz. Be finished the whole unit.
Check updated grades online.

I discussed what a narrative is and what a narrative is not. First, a narrative is not a list of all the events of the moment in order. That is called a “bed to bed.” Yes, the events in the narrative can be in order, but a narrative is crafted.

Then I talked about crafting. One way to craft the telling of the story is to add sensory details. At moments, slow down and describe. Allow the reader to really sense the setting.

I also mentioned playing with time. Not every moment gets the same weight. Slow down some time and skip past others. Explode a moment like slow motion.

I also talked a little bit about flashbacks. My story is about a two minute event. However, I wrote 1300 words. During the event, I go back and explain why my event had so much importance to me. Then I come back and finish the original story.

Below is an example of the first step of planning a narrative that I will expand.

Read a poem at a graduation ceremony.

Lesson Learned
What I say can be heard by many. People like what I say.

Outline the basic events of your moment:
Liked to write poetry
Wrote for fun and friends
Somehow I volunteered to be part of event coordinating
The idea for a poem came to my mind.
Showed the poem to the teacher organizing event.
He thought it would be nice to include
(I even designed the cover of the program)
Sat on stage.
500 people- Mom, Dad, girlfriend, family (Dad almost didn’t show.)
Nervous, but did it. I have the picture Dad took.
I loved it!
Appreciated the praise, but also amazed that 500 people heard my message!

Over the next few days, I will add snapshots, thoughtshots, and play with time to craft this narrative.