Wednesday, October 06, 2010

The Interview summary is due Thursday

Quiz Unit 2 tomorrow
Summary piece due. See below.

We studied for the vocab quiz.
We read and discussed two summary pieces, so the students know what I am expecting.

Essential Question: To what extent do human beings learn about life by making connections to themselves, others, and the world around them?

When we listen to the interviews, we are learning from, not only the person being interviewed, we (as a class) are learning from the person who wrote the summary. We are listening for the lessons he learned. Maybe we will connect with something said.

Interview Summary Rubric

____ (25) Neatly written/typed
____ (25) 250 – 400 words
               (long enough but not too long)
____ (25) Explained focusing statement.
____ (25) More about writer’s reaction to interview
                than a summary events.
____ ( ) Number of distracting grammar/
              mechanical errors (Over 5 means
             -7 points)
_____ Total