Monday, January 04, 2016

Section 1 Assignments for the next two weeks

(I am still planning for sections 2 and 3.)

Section 1
You are to make a map for the short story "The Outsider" on page 21 of your Close Reader.

This is the link for your assigned sections of "The Outsider."
    My goal for this week is to have the students figure out the short story on their own. 
    We will start filming on Monday, January 11

Vocab Homework Schedule:
Monday 1/4 - Pictionaries Unit 7
Tuesday 1/5 - Choosing the Right Word Unit 7
Wednesday 1/6 Synonyms and Antonyms Unit 7
Thursday 1/7 Be sure to have finished one Quizlet for Unit 7

Monday 1/11 Completing the Sentence Unit 7
Tuesday 1/12 Finish the Unit
Wednesday 1/13 Be sure to have finished a second Quizlet for Unit 7
Thursday 1/14 QUIZ UNIT 7