Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Outlining the TED Talk: Revisions due Monday

I read over the outlines for sections 2 and 3.

Most had the same problem: they did not have details in an organized outline.  I gave students the sheet below to guide them.  I would like a revised outline in on Monday, May 4.

Speech Assignment Requirements
    For each speech in this class you must:
            1.  Provide the instructor with a typed outline on the day
                 you speak.  This outline will be in the format assigned.
            2.  Provide a list of references used in researching the speech.
            3.   Speak extemporaneously.   You may use note cards or speak from an outline.

Outline Organization

(what an outline MUST contain)

1.  Attract the attention and interest of the audience
2.  Establish the speaker's good-will and credibility
3.  Reveal the topic in an interesting/intriguing manner
4.  Preview the body of the speech
1.  Organized series of 3-5 main ideas
2.  Support in the form of testimony, illustrations, examples, statistics
1. Emphasize the main points of the speech.
2. Give a sense of finality to the presentation.

Here is a sample outline - using the format assigned for your speeches.
(Copy and past this.  Then fill in with your own information.) 

Title:  Voting: Our Legal Right
Specific Purpose:    To persuade my audience to vote in elections
                I.         Gain audience's attention by asking questions
                II.        Establish credibility - I vote
                III.       Explain what voting is
                IV.      Preview the body:
                                A.   Why we vote
                                B.   Why we don't vote
                                C.   Why we should vote
                I.         Why we vote
                                A.   To elect representatives
                                B.   Constitutional right
                                            1.   Article 1 (Visual: picture of Constitution)
                                            2.   Amendment 15
                                            3.   Amendment 19
                II.         Why we don't vote
                                A.   Figures on low voter turnout
                                B.   Some don't care
                                C.   Some are not educated about candidates
                III.         Why we should vote
                                A.   To voice our opinions
                                B.   To guarantee our freedom
                I.         Summarize main points
                II.         Explain how to register
                III.         End with Quotation

Visuals: You might want to include references to the visuals you will use.