Monday, March 30, 2015

Wrapping up Anne Frank

Section 3 redid their quiz from Thursday.  I will grade that soon. It is a 4th MP grade.
All sections will take a summative assessment on Anne Frank either Tuesday or Wednesday.
Section 1 will have a quiz on Unit 8 on Wednesday. (All Unit 8 work should be done by Tuesday.)

Friday, March 27, 2015

3rd marking period grades are done

I have provided plenty of opportunities to get in the make-up work.  What you see on HAC is what you are getting for the marking period.

The Anne Frank tests from Thursday are graded

I graded sections 1 and 2.  Section 3 must retake the test because of the message from the sub.  The grade is in the 4th marking period.  I assume you can see those scores.  If not, they will be available Monday.  You are also welcome to e-mail me if you can't wait.

I will count this as a large score because we did take so much time preparing for it.  I think the sheet is an excellent assessment of what the students have learned SO FAR from the play.

Enjoy your weekend.


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Anne Frank Grades

All students will have a test tomorrow.  They should already have filled in this sheet, which we have discussed many times in class.  They will get a blank copy and fill it out from memory tomorrow.

We took a practice test on Anne Frank as a formative.  I will get it in the book soon.  I have used the results to create the summative test they will have next week.  We will review the test answers before we take the test.

Students are also responsible for creating a quotes challenge with a partner.  They will be doing this in class Thursday, but some may want to do it on their own.  If they cannot access their online book ay, they can use the text I have organized here.  The quotes should be reasonably identifiable.  I mean, they can't just ask who said, "No."

Section 1 should be completing unit 8 in their Vocabulary Workshop book.
Sections 2 and 3 will do vocabulary next week.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Monday, March 23, 2015

Monday, March 23, 2015

If you were absent on Friday, you owe me the last grades of MP 3.
Make study guide for Anne Frank test Thursday.

Students will understand what they are responsible for this week.
Welcome to the 4th marking period grades!

Section 1- Review unit 8 vocabulary in orange book.  Pictionaries due Tuesday.  Quiz April 1.
All sections- Make cards for Group 4 words.  Quiz March 26.

Predominate     page 31
Coup                  page 32
Persecution        page 33
Dispossess        page 33
Natal                 page 36
Sustain              page 420
Borne                page 420
Renowned        page 420
Avert                page 421
Initiative            page 422
Detrimental        page 422
Implication        page 423
Deficiency         page 423

CC.8.R.L.1 Key Ideas and Details: Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
CC.8.R.L.3 Key Ideas and Details: Analyze how particular lines of dialogue or incidents in a story or drama propel the action, reveal aspects of a character, or provoke a decision.
CC.8.R.L.4 Craft and Structure: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including analogies or allusions to other texts.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Grades have been updated. Please check HAC!

Grades for the third marking period are almost done for me.  

The end of the 3rd marking period is next Friday. 

 This week we have three days of testing in class. 

 We are also in the middle of the Diary of Anne Frank.  

Upcoming Grades for 3rd MP
  1. Quiz on the first three groups of words tomorrow, Monday.
  2. Completed Diary of Anne Frank What You Should Know sheet (Graded on completion)

Upcoming Grades probably counting for 4th MP
  1. Multiple choice test on the Diary of Anne Frank
  2. Diagram of characters which shows characterization, conflicts, quotes. (More about this later)
  3. Section 1: recreate the introduction of Mr. Dussel to the families in the attic.  This will be a group project where students write a script and act it out for the class.  It will be recorded.
  4. Sections 2 and 3: I need to see what these classes would like to do.  I have some options.  

Here are the summative assignments we have done this marking period.  We have done a lot of writing.  I hope the students are prepared for the Smarter Balance tests.  I have been practicing what they need to do for the both types of writing they will see on the test.

Pts: 100.00
Wgt: 1.00
Immigrant Experience Constructed Response
Writing: Four paragraph constructed response
Pts: 100.00
Wgt: 3.00
Argument Essay: Social Media
Writing: Five + paragraph essay citing multiple sources
Pts: 100.00
Wgt: 1.00
Long Answer for Bobby Fisher
Writing: 200 - 400 word response to one question
Pts: 100.00
Wgt: 1.00
Bobby Fisher Theme Piece
Writing: 5 paragraph essay (section 1 only)
Pts: 100.00
Wgt: 0.50
Nurzhan's Role in Conflict Question
Writing: 200 - 400 word response to one question
Pts: 100.00
Wgt: 1.00
Literary Terms Unit 1&2
Literary Vocabulary
Pts: 100.00
Wgt: 1.00
Literary Vocabulary in Bobby Fischer
Writing: 5 sentence responses to multiple questions discussing how the literary vocabulary was used in Bobby Fischer
Pts: 100.00
Wgt: 0.25
Unit 7 Vocab Quiz
Section 1 only
Pts: 100.00
Wgt: 0.50
My Fav Chaperone Test
Multiple Choice test

Thursday, March 12, 2015

We finished Act I of the Diary of Anne Frank

I will give a quiz MONDAY on the first three groups of words.  Practice here.
(I did not stress this enough this week.  I want students to be prepared.)

If you would like to read the play at home, it can be found on this page.

Who said these quotes?
Burn them.  All of them. (Mr. Frank- not a quality quote for him.)
I’ve got to go to the other side of town to get some ration books for you. (Miep- Not a quality quote for her.)
I’m sort of a lone wolf. (Peter- This is a good quote for him.)
And Anne hasn’t had her milk . . . (Mrs. Frank- Not a good quote.)
You’ll be all right, Peter? You’re not afraid? (Mrs. Van Dann- Not a good quote.)
Mother is unbearable. She insists on treating me like a baby, which I loathe. (Anne- Not a good quote.)
No. No. (Mr. Van Dann- Not a good quote.)
              (Margot- it's a joke.  She did not speak yet.)

                  Students will identify the initial incident which starts the rising action.
                  Students will continue to complete the worksheet focusing on the characters' internal conflicts.

                  Continue to listen to the play.
                  Stop at key moments to fill in the sheet.

                  CC.8.R.L.1 Key Ideas and Details: Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
                  CC.8.R.L.3 Key Ideas and Details: Analyze how particular lines of dialogue or incidents in a story or dr

                  Wednesday, March 11, 2015

                  What we did today

                  The Diary of Anne Frank (Started Mar. 11)

                       What you should know by the end of the play
                        Google Doc / Word Doc
                  Link to our online book
                  Have you turned in your essay?
                  Hand back the immigrant sheets from the sub day.
                  Quiz on all 35 words on Friday

                  Students will understand what they are responsible for knowing for the Diary of Anne Frank.
                  Students will have a general idea of the stage.
                  Students will begin start to locate and highlight what they need to know in their Close Readers.

                  Copy what they need to know into their close readers.
                  Go through the stage directions slowly and view pictures of the interpretations.
                  Begin reading the play to establish setting and characters.

                  What should you be able to do after reading The Diary of Anne Frank?
                  Know the background and setting of the play    World War II    How Jews were persecuted and outcome

                  Know each of the characters:
                      Physical description    Relationship to others    Personality    Identify important quotes said by each

                  Explain the conflicts
                      External- between other characters and world    Internal- Struggles to understand self

                  Plot the story
                      Important events that add tension    Identify the climax    Explain the resolution

                  Be able to explain the theme and its development over the course of the play

                  Tuesday, March 10, 2015

                  Here is what we did today

                  I entered a grade for the worksheet students completed with the sub yesterday.  We are done with immigrants.  We are now starting the Diary of Anne Frank.

                  Tuesday, March 10, 2015

                  Warm up: 
                  Critical Vocabulary 1-3 Quiz on responders
                  Collect My Favorite Chaperone Essay

                  Students will have been introduced to the drama terms they will need to know for the Diary of Anne Frank.
                  Students will have been introduced to Anne Frank so they have a background for reading the play.
                  Students will have started listening to the play.
                  (The overall goal is to have students know the story of Anne Frank and her message as conveyed by the playwrights.  We will then compare the choices made by the producer of the modern video version of the story.)

                  Go through the Power Point on drama and fill in the sheet.
                  Watch this video on Anne Frank.

                  CC.8.R.L.7 Integration of Knowledge and Ideas: Analyze the extent to which a filmed or live production of a story or drama stays faithful to or departs from the text or script, evaluating the choices made by the director or actors.

                  Monday, March 09, 2015

                  Study this combined set of vocab words for tomorrow.

                  With the sub today, students should have finished a worksheet AND studied for this combined set of words.  I will give a quick quiz on these tomorrow.  

                  See you tomorrow.

                  I hope you have all finished your My Favorite Chaperone written piece.

                  Thursday, March 05, 2015

                  I would still like students to finish the immigrant piece for Friday, regardless of the snow.

                  This essay has been homework since last Thursday.

                  Here is the easiest piece to write.
                  Students can use their e-book, but they were given time with the real books last week.

                  Topic: In “My Favorite Chaperone,” the writer conveys immigrants' experiences in America through the use of characters such as Maya and her family and the events they go through (the plot).

                  Now go through the story and list the experience for each of the characters:

                  Compare the old life to the new in America
                  Compare the old life to the new in America
                  Compare Americans to parents’ traditions
                  Example: Teased and fights (line 110)
                  Custodian and the aunt who moved
                  Shannon’s family compared to Maya’s

                  Now write the piece starting with Papa.  Explain his immigrant experience in America from the story.  Then Momma.  Then start comparing them to the experience the children had.  There are other characters as well.

                  I have already offered time for feedback, which many students have not taken advantage of.  

                  Students can hand write these, turn in a Word Document here, or share their Google Doc with .  

                  Monday, March 02, 2015

                  Have you shared your immigrant experience piece with me through Google Docs?

                  I don't know how you spent your snow day, but I spent from 7:00 A.M. until 11:00 A.M. giving feedback on the immigrant essays.  Please read through my feedback and reply.  That way I know you have revised.

                  If you have not written your piece yet, what are you waiting for?

                  These are due Friday, March 6.
