Monday, May 19, 2014

Sections 2 and 3 are behind in their reading!

If you ever thought about buying a Porche...
The students should have finished the second set of guiding questions by today.  However, those questions deal with the book up until near the end.  In other words, they should have read at least 75% of their book by now.  If you look at the charts below, you will see that most have not. 

I am not going to look at the questions until a student has read 80% of his/her book.

I am giving students LOTS of time to work in class, but they will need to work at home.  Students had their books May 5.  It is now May 19.  If a student had a 200 page book, that works out to 14 pages a night, which is reasonable.

I sure hope the students step it up.  I am providing lots of opportunities for some easy A's.  They just have to do the required work.

Section 2

Section 3