Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Blank Grades on HAC: ALL CLASSES

Because I know exactly what needs to be done before the end of the marking period, I put those assignments on HAC as blankBlanks do not affect the grade until a score is entered.  However, I am sure you understand that if the assignment is not completed, the grade will drop.

Sections 2 and 3 were supposed to be done 75% of their book by yesterday, which means they should have entered the responses for guiding questions 2 on the wiki.  If they did not get that far, they have a MIS on HAC.  That grade will be changed when they are done with no penalty for late... within reason.

I balanced the grades today to make sure that the formatives and summatives reflect the proper weights of the assignments.  Section 1 needed some adjusting, but sections 2 and 3 were right where I wanted them.  Literature should count more than the vocabulary.  

At this point, the 4th marking period grades are in the students' hands.  All of my students, honors and academics, are capable of finishing the year strong, working independently on a novel.  Most grades are completion anyway.

Finish strong!

Section 2 completion

Section 3 completion