Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Section 1 question for Wednesday

In Section 1, we finished reading Rules of the Game today.  We spent time discussing many of the important points of the story.  We also spent time exploring the characters of the mother and the daughter.  We are not quite finished, but I did tell them that I would like them to be prepared to answer this question tomorrow:

How does Mrs. Jong's concern for helping her daughter rise in society affect the plot?

Here is the story located on-line.

Today we focused on the mother's motivation to impart her Chinese wisdom to her American daughter.  There is a lot of wisdom in the words the mother says, so I had the students write down everything the mother said.  If the students did that, then they would get a great picture of the mother!

We also explored the nine-year-old girl in the story.  Tomorrow, we will explore the writer of the narrative and how she crafts the story to express the theme.

It would be ideal if the students read the story a second time.