Monday, March 11, 2013

Section 1 and Sections 3 and 4 are on different schedules now.

Here is basically what you would need to know about class right now.

Section 1
This section will be on a different pace than the other two classes, so I will be using its own heading from now on. 

We are currently doing a unit on character study.  All the instructions can be found on this page.  Basically, I have told them exactly what they should complete and when it is due.  Each day, I plan to have lessons that they can apply to their independent work.

In short, they will be reading three pieces (or more) to answer the following questions.  How do authors create characters that readers connect with in order to learn about ourselves and others?  Also, what is the Human Spirit?

Homework:  They have to learn vocabulary and take some quizzes.  They should finish 3 AR tests by March 25. 

Sections 3 and 4
Mrs. Jamison, the push-in support teacher, and I are trying something different.  She and I are taking turns teaching the class.  She and I are teaching two different topics that we plan on merging after the break.  For now, she is teaching the students the persuasive essay.  She is teaching the required structure and terminology.  Her unit will end with the students imitating the persuasive pieces they have studied.

I am teaching the students characterization.  The students are reading literature focusing on how authors create characters we can learn from.  My unit will culminate in a long-answer response that demonstrates they have studied characterization.  They will also explain what the Human Spirit is and how it is seen in these pieces.

Homework: Students should have completed two AR tests by March 25.  There is not much homework right now.  I do not give homework just to give homework.  Maybe before break students will have some writing they must complete before the break.