Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Section 1 has a VERY important packet due tomorrow.

Section 1
The packet and essay for unit 3 is due tomorrow.

Some students were not quite sure how they are supposed to write the essay.  Trust me, I have explained it numerous times... so I explained it once more.

I told them to get their minds thinking like this:
1. The author created a piece.
2. The purpose of the piece is to transfer an idea to us, a theme.
3. That theme is part of the human spirit
     For example, "we all have a treasure" is from The Treasure of Lemon Brown.
     Another theme is "knowledge can come from unlikely places."
4. In order to transfer the idea, the writer creates a story with characters.
    I asked students to tell me how writers create characters we connect with and learn from.
5. When we are done reading the story, we remember these characters and themes.

I want the students to keep repeating the idea that the writer created a character that they connected with and learned from. 

I hope that helps.