Monday, November 28, 2011

Research week is important for the ant debate!

In two of my classes, the opponents sat across from each other.
Here are the links we used today:

Should the ant in the story get squished by the boy in the story?
More than likely, your argument for either position is going depend on knowing a few important details about ants and their behaviors.  Furthermore, since this is a debate and you need to be prepared, you need to be aware of what your opponent might say.

Goals for this week in the library:
1. Figure out what type of ant we are dealing with.  (Just do Terminix to start.)
            Find details about that ant that support your position.
            Find details about the ant that your opponent might use against you.
    Figure out other types of ants it COULD be. 
Be aware of the behaviors of other types of ants.

2. Determine the truthfulness of the arguments the boy and the ant use.

3. Examine the motivations of the boy and the ant for their behaviors.

4. Compile notes from trusted sources.

5. List those sources to show that you did not just make up these facts.
            We will make a bibliography. (

If you take one note, write down the title of the article, author, and the site address!

Remember, for maximum points in your debate, you must mention book, movie, and articles by title!