Tuesday, April 20, 2010

April 20, 2010

Pictionaries, Synonyms, and Choosing are due Wednesday
The ad is due Thursday.
The rough draft of the 500 word piece is due Thursday:

Suggested topic sentence: “Mr. Bosler, I know I can sell your yearbook!”

The piece will discuss a few things:
-What did your research show about why students did not buy a yearbook?
       Explain the research, in detail, from the chart
-Based on research, what techniques address the needs/perceptions of students?
       Explain the ways that you will sway the students
-Explain everything in the ad: the pictures, words, colors, etc.
       Explain everything!
       Nothing in the ad is just there.
-Ads are tested on focus groups. What feedback did you receive on your ad?
      Show the ad some other students.
      What do they think?
      You showed the rough ad to the class.
-Why do you think the ad will be successful at increasing yearbook sales?
     You should sound convincing!