Monday, November 23, 2009

November 23, 2009

Study for Quiz on unit 5 vocab

We reviewed for the vocab quiz by determining what we know and what we don't know. From what I saw, most students should take some time to learn the words tonight.

We continued to watch the movie The Ant Bully. Today we focused on the idea of finding your place in the colony. We also saw how the differences are what makes the ant colony strong. We need to learn that lesson as humans.

Question sheet for The Ant Bully

Similarities to Humans

Differences from Humans

• preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience : English prejudice against foreigners. See note at bias .
• dislike, hostility, or unjust behavior formed on such a basis : accusations of racial prejudice.

How do each of these characters change their prejudice by the end of the movie?
At the beginning?
By the end?

The boy who bullies Lucas
Lucas “The Destroyer”
The Grandmother
Zoc (The magician)

What characters did not change their prejudices?

What characters never had prejudice from the beginning? Describe why they thought that way.

The ants are looking for a solution to the destroyer problem. What are the advantages and disadvantages of these solutions?
Good results from solution
Bad results from solution

Kill the Destroyer with a potion.
Bring the Destroyer to the colony and make him an ant.

Lucas asks when he can go home. The queen says…

The movie shows the same events from different perspectives. Find some examples of things that look one way to one group yet look another way from the other side.

-One example is the firecracker. Notice what it looks like to the ants an to us.


Everything about life in the ant colony is a team effort. Even the individuals do what they do for the benefit of the colony as a whole. Hova said that Lucas needed to focus on the “ant within.” What lessons can we take from the lives of these ants in the movie? How much have you learned from your “ant within?”

In what ways do the characters in this story believe in /rely on/ fear powers greater than themselves?