*** The test scores from today are on the Home Access Center. I am putting down the 60 points from this part of the test as one grade. I will add the other 10 points as a separate grade when I have scored them.
Pictionaries 1-20 and synonyms unit 5
I reviewed for the test thoroughly.
We took the test. It was 20 questions. Below are some of the questions.
Many students found the test difficult, but I can't always figure out why. I don't know if they don't pay attention, if they don't practice, if they don't ask questions. Sure this is difficult, but the first 15 questions should not have been. I do what I can.
Advanced Sentence Structure Test (70 points)
Simple or Compound Sentence? (3 points each)
1. The principal of Alex Moore’s school had a 16-month-old daughter with leukemia.
a. simple b. compound
2. Alex wanted to help, so he started raising money for the girl’s treatments.
a. simple b. compound
Comma or No Comma? (3 points each)
(Is a comma needed in the blank?)
6. Although the Foster Grandparent Program is more than 30 years old __ many people do not know about it.
a. comma b. no comma
7. This program was established __ so that hospitalized and institutionalized children could get special attention.
a. comma b. no comma
Independent or Dependent? (3 points each)
Is the bolded part of the sentence independent or dependent?
11. These daily visits last for two hours so that the children can get careful attention from their foster grandparents.
a. independent b. dependent
12. Although foster grandparents are volunteers, they are paid.
a. independent b. dependent
Recognizing Sentence Structures (3 points each)
Compound (SV ,and SV.)
Complex (SV+DEP. or DEP, SV.)
Compound-Complex (Will have a coordinating conjunction + relative
pronoun/subordinating conjunction)
(Look for the key words!)
16. In 1998 a hurricane swept through Central America where it hit Honduras and Nicaragua especially hard.
a. compound b. complex c. compound/complex
20. Charity groups distributed food and safe drinking water, and they handed out sleeping bags and mosquito nets, which were needed in the tropical climate.
a. compound b. complex c. compound/complex
Revising Using Subordinate Clauses
21. (10 points)
On the slip of paper I give you, write the following paragraph, combining clauses to eliminate sentence fragments and to connect related ideas. It will be worth 10 points. I will grade this subjectively. There is no one totally correct answer, but pay attention to your commas.
Reading Is Fundamental is a national organization. It promotes literacy. Students can participate. Who is interested. They can teach adults. ……