Monday, October 05, 2009

October 5, 2009

Completing the Sentence Unit 2
Essay is due Wednesday

Reviewed the weekly calendar
Reviewed the vocabulary words and practiced spelling
Reviewed the requirements for the essay.
I had a work time so I could help students with anything they might have questions on.

I have suggested an outline:

I have been telling the students to first think about a lesson they have learned, like responsibility.  Then think of when they learned it or it really sank in.  For example, I learned about responsibility from many people, but I learned it most clearly from Coach Jim.

Discuss how we learn things from people, and I learned something from Coach Jim.

Tell how others have tried.  Tell how Coach Jim told things.  Tell how parents have told things trying to teach responsibility.  I was not responsible.  I wanted to be what people were helping me to become.

The Event
But there was this one time when I learned responsibility clearly.
Include sensory details.
Tell the story clearly.
Include dialogue.
Include thoughts

This was the time when I learned responsibility.  Now I know.