Sections 1 and 2
Homework: None
Daily Buzzword- If you are absent, copy it from
We reviewed the choosing the right word and discussed the context clues.
The big thing we did in class today was review the feedback from the Delaware Theathre Company! The plays have been returned, and the students were the first to see what they said. I am going to take some time to review the feedback and compare it to how I scored them. I also want to think about our next steps based on what they suggested the students improve. I took a few pictures of the kids looking over the comments. I will say that I found it kind of exciting. When I gave back my comments, the students knew I wasn't so sure about what was a good play. These people know, and now they are seeing how they did.
Sections 3,6,7
Homework: None
We finished all 5 daily drills for the week and handed them in. I will grade two of the five pages for accuracy.
Then we played with the words from unit 5. I had them divide them into nouns, verbs, and adjectives. Then, trying to tie the vocab into the sentence unit we are doing, I asked them to use the word fugitive as a subject and use the five verbs from the unit to make sentences. Then they were to add some of the adjectives from the unit to the sentences. The goal was to show them that sentences are made up of words that have a purpose. The vocabulary we study is there to improve the quality of the words they use in their sentences.