Wednesday, December 03, 2008

December 3, 2008

Sections 1 and 2
Choosing the Right Word unit 6

After doing the Daily Buzzword and checking the vocab homework, we began studying an essay so they will be prepared to help each other improve their DuPont Challenge Essays.  This way they have some direction when the begin reading another's essay.  Students tend to look only for the grammar mistakes.  While finding all the mistakes is important, right now we also have to see if the essay is up to the standards of a national essay contest.

Also, the good draft will not be due on Monday, December 8th.  I am pushing it off until the 15th.  We will need to spend more time peer editing.  There might even be another draft due next Thursday or Friday.

Sections 3,6,7
Choosing the Right Word unit 6

We did a daily drill.  I also handed back the checked daily drills.  I am finding that students are not taking their time when we do the drills.  Many students received low grades on these because they are not even copying the correct answer from the board as we review it.  I use the daily drill to review grammar.  They need to pay attention.

From there we went on to discuss simple subjects and simple predicates.  We finished lesson 2 of a 10 lesson chapter on sentences.  Students are expected to keep a notebook which they will use for a test later. The notes are found at